Below are The Phone Show archives for 2012. The best place to download all the old shows is from the latest PLA Media Pack.
01-03-2012 – Nothing Cool Happens. Seriously, Nothing:

Thanks for the above picture, Brian Donnnoooogianiate! If you like pranks, then this week’s show isn’t for you – no pranks really happened. Here are the show notes for the show that happened January 3rd, 2012….
- Opening music is At Least It Was Here by The 88. (The Community song!)
- Go to ShmooCon on January 27th to see Skunkworks
- Fuck Skunkworks, though, go to HOPE and see RBCP instead
- Ugh, sorry once again for all the background music, everyone. I didn’t know it was playing.
- We fail at a few Car Ding calls.
- Breaking News: Darkstranger likes turtles
- The Tinychat mass suicide will be on the last weekend of January.
- If you want to submit numbers for us to prank, email them to rbcp@phonelosers.org.
- Someone sets up a Craigslist ad, saying we have computer stuff for sale. Chaos ensues.
- Ending song is Mother Mother by Tracy Bonham
01-10-2012 – Rappy McRapperson, Live in the Studio:
Rappy McRapperson and Evie and Dandolion live in the studio and Laugh Track Matt on the phone tonight.
- Rapping on the Mic by Rappy McRapperson is the opening song.
- PLA is harassing Red Robin on Twitter.
- All listeners should be in our Tinychat.
- Some crazy thing happens with incoming calls where I can’t pick up the calls.
- San Francisco PLA meetup sometime soon.
- Brad and Rappy have been filming a video this week. HERE IT IS!
- Skullcrusher Mountain by Jonathan Coulton is the ending music
01-24-2012 – Megaupload:
- Go to Defcon’s FB page to see the shirt Samantha gave me, alongside a pic of eljefe.
- HOPE is this summer!
- A month ago, you couldn’t call any Walgreens or State Farm from Skype. Now it’s fixed.
- Walgreens gives us a customer phone number, but the customer doesn’t answer.
- Here’s a new post on phonelosers.org which has links to prank call marathon stuff and the new PLA CD. Thanks for all the editing work, Tabachi and Trevor!
- PayPal $15 to rbcp@phonelosers.org for a Wisconsin Motorcycle Shirt.
- Markov says prank call tattoo customers.
- When I see red I’m a disaster to plaster
- Go visit the PLA/Cacti chat room
- New Jersey Girl by Nerf Herder is the song RBCP knows Yuengling Beer from.
- SONG: Megaupload by Dan Bull
- Patch does a Megaupload prank call to Motel 6
- Everyone go follow @danport‘s Twitter right now. (Here’s related art from the next day.)
- Click here to watch Steve Wozniak check into restaurants all day, every day
- Listen to the Jerky Boys podcast because it’s CLASSIC – also, everyone call into his voicemail and leave crazy Cactus and PLA-themed voicemails for him at 718-878-5668.
- Click here to listen to the aftershow
01-31-2012 – Zyklon’s Great Ideas:
- The Phone Show starts its very first week on Blue Planet Prank Radio. Thanks Ted!
- We call up some people who’ve just gotten new tattoos.
- Badfish is going to start broadcasting on Wednesdays instead of Fridays
- Gregulate relays some amazing Zyklon ideas for us
- There’s a new Sundance movie called Compliance, which is about the strip search prank calls that happened a few years ago. Here is the security camera footage from the incident.
- Toothpaste for Dinner has another awesome idea for a prank call. We attempt to call a few random Openbook people and demand that they hang out with us.
- Lateness is an old show Rappy McRapperson used to do. There are about a half dozen of them up on that channel now, so go watch them all!
- Click here to listen to the aftershow!
02-07-2012 – Emergency Pizza Party:
- Join us in the #penispump chat room on efnet. Or on Tinychat.
- Everyone email rbcp@phonelosers.org with sound clips of yourself (or other people) saying “telephone”
- Thanks for the new background music, Legend!
- Altalp replaces her Vonage router with a turkey sandwich.
- Go watch Rappy’s show called Lateness
- RBCP gives up and defaults back to just calling Dominos Pizza.
- RBCP hereby accepts full responsibility for whatever happens between Tabachi and Chelsea, including stalking, pregnancies, deaths, etc.
- RBCP suggests that Chelsea’s personal anthem be about a girl who’s a horrible homewrecker.
- The Prank Show will be back this Saturday!
02-14-2012 – Happy Valentines Day!:
- Join us in Tinychat 24/7!
- Go be a winner in #phonelosers on the irc.wikkedwire.com server.
- Thanks for the Spessa soundboard, Legend!
- Email your “telephone” clip to rbcp@phonelosers.org.
- Email your landlord’s phone number to rbcp@phonelosers.org. Also include an apartment number that we can claim to be in when we call him.
- Here’s a link to Sunday’s special birthday show.
- Wacky Morning DJ, from the PLA book and that old episode of PLA Radio, is ending his wacky morning career this week.
- The Bomb, from Rappy McRapperson’s music, went viral this week.
- nickbrianwalters.com/PLA/ is Nick’s PLA stuff.
- Legend is a hairy, sexy beast.
02-21-2012 – Happy Birthday Patch:

- Send a clip of yourself saying “telephone” to rbcp@phonelosers.org – thanks Laugh Track Matt, Frank, Tristan and GREGULATE for the new clips this week.
- Click here to watch the old lady rant about PLA
- Blue Planet Prank Radio is awesome for carrying our live show.
- Send your apartment manager’s phone number to rbcp@phonelosers.org, along with an apartment address number that I can pretend to be in
- fiverr.com is awesome. Here’s the Curtis The Superhacker rant video
- Here’s the Play The Game video and lyrics and stuff.
- Trevor will prank call someone for you for $5.00 – try it out.
- Sometime in 2011, we prank called Cap’n Crunch and asked him silly interview questions. This WASN’T the interview that R0xy did with him, it was after that. Carlito from Madhouse was on with us. Someone figure out which show that was and tell RBCP about it!
- Tombstone commands you to buy some Obey The Cactus sticker.
- Click here to watch Kevin Mitnick interview Steve Wozniak on Coast to Coast
- If you see a public bulletin board, take a pic and email it to rbcp@phonelosers.org
- Ugh, editing out all these phone numbers sure is a fuck job.
- I edited out a bunch of us talking, phones ringing and peoples’ voicemails. It was boring. None of the calls went through.
- Thanks for stuff, Trenton the T Man!
- Links to old Phone Shows are dead now because we’re out of space. You can still get them from our Torrents page.
- Click here to listen to the after show!
02-28-2012 – Hold Me Now:

- Opening song is French Toast Tango by Torrentz
- The new dubstep intro song is by Dubstep Man
- Here’s the picture of Tristan’s rendition of RBCP and Laugh Track Matt – Visit PLA’s Facebook page to find more things that Tristan has done for us. Thanks, Tristan!
- A roofer calls in to confirm an appointment to reshingle our house
- Man pretends to be a Denny’s employee to get a free meal.
- Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell by Das Racist (thanks Dastardly Dan!)
- A lady calls in from Waterloo and makes the show stupider than it already is.
- Legend is waiting for the show to end so he can go to the hospital.
- Dastardly Dan sent a picture of his motorcycle helmet – click here to see it.
- Blue Planet Prank Radio calls in to fire RBCP.
- Click here to listen to the full episode of Radiolab. The episode is called Escape and it’s from February 20th, 2012. It’s about Joe Engressia (Joybubbles) who was a famous phone phreak in the 1970′s.
- Click here to listen to the after show!
03-06-2012 – All Hail Tabachi:
- For reasons unknown to me, my software didn’t record this week’s show, so big hugz to Tabachi who recorded the show and sent it to me.
- Laugh Track Matt was on a TV show in 1991 when he was 17-years-old. Skip to about the halfway mark, right after the singing butt, to hear his call.
- Trenton the T Man makes us new audio stuff.
- We’re broadcasting on Blue Planet Prank Radio tonight.
- BREAKING NEWS: Blockbuster Video still exists! We call up a few customers of Blockbuster to yell at them about their late fees.
- When is The Phone Show’s birthday?
- Manic Radio hates us.
- Stupid Morgan Freeman talks all over one of our Blockbuster pranks.
- Markov’s new hit single – Make It Ring
- Click here to relive the hilarity of Richard Cardo
- R0xy is trolling us, saying that she’ll be doing a show again.
- Click here to listen to the show
- Click here to listen to the aftershow – either connectivity problems or intoxication caused this show to abruptly end, but I’m positive we continued the aftershow for at least another hour. Also, one of our prank calls caused the following email to be sent to us from a Blockbuster employee…
“Pranking is one thing, but once the prank is up, let it go. You called my establishment four times; the first time I knew who you were and hung up on you (we do have caller ID); the second time I told you that you were not who you said you were and hung up; and then you called back twice more. It stops being a prank at that point and starts being harassment. I can shrug off and even find humour in the first one or two times, but at the third, you\’re done. Please keep that in mind and be responsible in your pranking.” -email from a Blockbuster employee in Fairbanks, Alaska
03-12-2012 – Pi Day Eve and Kony 2012:
- Where do I buy Yuengling beer in Oregon?
- Happy Pi Day Eve, everyone!
- Click here to see Laugh Track Matt’s childhood picture
- Don’t call 505-796-4020 or phonelosers.org on Skype unless this show is live, and if you’re reading this then it’s not Live because that was last night and I’m editing it now goddammit!
- Everyone makes their weekly apologies for drunken shenanigans earlier in the week
- LTmatt’s side rant about loving seeing elephant and bird go to Radio Shack is from this video.
- The voicemail is referring to this YouTube video.
- The giggly teenage girls call up some brand new Car Ding victims.
- KONY 2012
- We’re not awesome, COLEMAN IS AWESOME.
- Chelsea got an amazing new shirt!
- Anal rangers, anal rangers!
- We call up a few Blockbuster customers that didn’t answer last week.
- Visit PLA’s Tinychat immediately!
- Fuck Madhouse and thanks Blue Planet!
- Click here to listen to the aftershow where we call up some more Dominos and other miscellaneous pranks for another hour.
03-20-2012 – Good Choice:
The Phone Show is brought to you by Cacti Radio and Blue Planet Prank Radio! Here are the shownotes…
- Hi CountyKid!
- Pizza Prank Phone Calls is the new PLA YouTube video that RBCP is referring to. Here is the other new one which is about tapping into Target’s phone system.
- Hi Skunkworks!
- Evie wears an apron
- Trison, the most amazing Australian in the world, has made another awesome Fiverr thing for us – here it is! Also, visit his YouTube to see the other things he’s done for PLA and Madhouse.
- R0xy calls in too late for sexytime chat with RBCP
- TPS gets pranked by a lady pretending to be a car ding victim.
- 15-year-old girl texts “I hid the body, now what” to the police
- The Waffle House doesn’t fall for Coleman’s tricks.
- Here is a video of RBCP opening mail from Gordo and here’s a video of RBCP failing to hack an Motorola flip phone.
- All episodes of Lateness are up on Rappy’s Lateness YouTube.
- Not “Good Choice” Brad makes us a cool Phone Show drop.
- Making prank calls in Virginia might be a class three misdemeanor soon.
- Laugh Track Matt honors Whitney Houston’s death with song.
- Gregulate shits on your face.
03-27-2012 – Star Blazers:
- Blue Planet Prank Radio
- twitter.com/iameltonjohn
- Someone is doing hotel damage calls again. (here and here)
- Join us in Tinychat!/a>
- Thanks for the Star Blazers music, Legend!
- Wero Villagomez sucks at using eBay and his phone number is 773-862-4053.
- phonelosers.org/areacode is a new area code flash card game.
- wakerupper.com is a weird business name.
- Go visit the Madhouse Forums for prank call discussions.
- NotBrad and Trenton the T Man attempt to communicate with each other.
- Cacti’s Shoutcast stream has moved to a new location, so if you were connecting via the IP address, you need to update that! Click here for listening links
- cactiradio.com/phoneshow/feed is the new Phone Show feed
- Telephone Song by The Nits – thanks for sending this song, Stan!
- Click here to read the article about Justin Bieber getting sued, along with the phone numbers of the people affected by his prank.
- I hid the body…now what? is in the news again, with a 25-year-old woman in Canada this time.
- RBCP will be at Emerald City Comicon this weekend. Stalk him.
- Click here to listen to the aftershow, where we call up the numbers related to Justin Bieber and we ask a pizza place what the ingredients are in a can of mushrooms.
- Thanks for the Star Blazers music, Legend!
04-03-2012 – Welcome Back, Jenn!:
- Brought to you by Carl’s Jr. and Blue Planet Prank Radio.
- HI JENNN!! And Ezekel from Ohio, I guess.
- cactiradio.com/phoneshow/feed/ is the new podcast feed. If you want to subscribe via iTunes, click here.
- Once again, thanks for the new Fiverr.com stuff, Tristan! Click here to subscribe to his YouTube full of his Fiverr jobs.
- Here’s the ad where a she-male will leave you a sexy voicemail.
- MagicJack is about $20 per YEAR, not $20 per MONTH like RBCP stupidly said.
- The Toms Shoes complainer tweeted this after our call: “What the heck? Aninternet prank group just called daniel to tell me to stop slandering #Toms. This is weird.” The other two complainers didn’t respond.
- Follow the rules of prank calling
- TRENTON the T Man has set up Gopher: cactus
- Click here to listen to the aftershow, where we call some Openbook numbers, then some Domino’s customers.
04-10-2012 – Killer Robots:
RBCP is not in a show mood, so the show only lasts for 5 minutes. Then we hang out and chat for 45 minutes after that, but luckily I edited most of that boring stuff out. Samantha made the only real announcement, which is to join her and Laugh Track Matt this coming weekend at NotACon.
04-17-2012 – The Bombfather:
- Read about The Bomb
- Here’s the original The Bomb prank call and song, here’s my response to Bruce, here’s RBCP’s mirror of the video for when Bruce strongarm’s YouTube into taking it down, here’s Holliday’s mirror. Thanks, Holliday!
- Thanks for letting us talk about inappropriate things on your station, Madhouse Live Forums
- Join us in chat, all day, every day!
- Here’s the original Car Ding video
- TPS is on stitcher.com!
- TNID.us is a good site for identifying phone numbers.
- BREAKING NEWS: Price list for wiretapping
- BREAKING NEWS: US carriers are building a database of stolen phones
- BREAKING NEWS: It costs $700/year to maintain a pay phone, even when they only make less than $20/year from it.
- Click here to download a PDF of Pottycam porn stickers to put in bathrooms. You can go to Office Depot or Staples and buy sticker label paper that these print perfectly on – look for label size 3 1/3″ x 4″, which is compatible with Avery 5164 and 8164. Or if you want to PayPal RBCP a few bucks, he’ll mail you some Pottycam stickers. How’s $2.00 for about 12 stickers sound? Send money to rbcp@phonelosers.org if you want some. Send less money for less stickers, more money for more stickers.
- Buy a brand new PLA Summer 2012 Tour shirt
- RBCP and Sudo thwart a kidnapping
- Play Drawsomething with RBCP and Chris Ellerback and Rappy!
- Here’s a great YouTube video of guys quitting jobs they don’t have.
- Click here to listen to the aftershow, where we quit our jobs at Carl’s Jr. repeatedly.
04-24-2012 – Hamburgers and Hedgehogs:
Tonight somebody places a Craigslist ad with TPS’ phone number, saying we have computers to give away, so you’ll hear a lot of those calls throughout the show.
- Opening music stolen from 2600′s Off The Hook
- Unboxing videos on the PLA Forums
- Matt’s Notacon Wrapup
- Just a note – RBCP was attempting to do rails of Pixie Sticks. JUST PIXIE STICKS!
- Cell phone carriers oppose authorities needing warrants for GPS infoz
- The Doubleclicks (the Technical Writer girls) are having an album release party in Portland, Oregon at Backspace Cafe on Saturday, April 28th. RBCP and Evie will most likely be there if you want to stalk us.
- Facebook Epic Rap by Dan Bull (thanks for showing me this song, Trev0r!)
- Here’s Staci and The Bomb making a date – watch it to see non-naked pictures of cartoon Staci and hear the rest of the call.
- This is the Aftershow, with RBCP, Matt Hillick, Dark Stranger, Tristan, NotBrad, Hrbl Bacon, Samantha and maybe someone else I’ve forgotten! We quit some jobs tonight and end up calling almost every Kum & Go in existence. Also some Shell stations in Australia, thanks to Triston.
- Here is the suicide hotline article we were talking about.
05-01-2012 – Whistling 2600 Hz:

- Have you heard? Marcus Birdman is going to have RBCP and Matt on his show two Sundays from now.
- RBCP and Evie went and saw a Doubleclicks live show & album release party. The picture from this is above. Everyone should go buy 7 copies of their new album.
- We hold a contest – whistle 2600 Hz for a free t-shirt.
- Speaking of tshirts, click here and buy a brand new PLA 2012 Tour Shirt!
- If you want to mess with a blue box / red box on phonelosers.org, here it is!
- Here is the Cacti Radio studio tour that Vindictive was talking about, which is already pretty outdated.
- Skype Unlimited is not unlimited
- Congrats, Oqsy, for winning the t-shirt contest!
- I’ve made new Car Ding videos these past couple of weeks. Here’s part 1, here’s part 2 and here’s part 3.
- Oqsy calls a car ding victim. Someone else places a Craigslist ad with our number for a free truck so we take a few of those calls.
- Matt wants to arm wrestle a guy over a car ding.
- TheN is a CHEATER!
- Here’s the article about how Legend tricked an entire school in the 80′s, telling them he was an astronaut.
- RBCP is really really dumb and leaves music playing for about 10 minutes. SORRY!
- A caller tells us how he was SWATTED.
- Phone prankster Donald Davis pleads guilty and gets 3 years for threatening to rape a baby. Here’s a story about it and here’s another one.
- Family recalls the 867-5309 incident.
- Thanks, Blue Planet! Next week we’ll be also broadcasting on Madhouse Live.
- The ending song is by The Doubleclicks, from their new album called Chainmail and Chello. Go download it!
05-09-2012 – Geek Squad:
This show is about 2.5 hours long because I never officially ended the show. It works out, though, since we did the same thing nonstop the entire time.
- Tonight we’re broadcasting Blue Planet and Madhouse Live
- In memory of Adam Yauch, go listen to their song about prank calls
- We did a phone mob on Sunday. Here’s the audio from it.
- Go to the PLA forums and lets plan some phone mobs!
- Everyone unsubscribe from Rappy!
- Petty Pranks will probably start doing Dominos calls now.
- Yahoo Answers has an amusing thing about Dave and Busters, NOT BEST BUY.
- Here is a YouTube video of the crazy virus call from this episode
- Here is a new car dings video that we were talking about
- Here’s another of our new YouTube videos that has a game of car ding phone tag and RBCP talks to a cop about car dings.
- Here’s the story about the Best Buy employee who used a customer’s cell phone to write an “lol im gay” status update on the customers Facebook account.
05-15-2012 – Cybershow:
Tonight is the first show with a new computer and new broadcasting software, so some small problems happened. You might notice the audio being a little too loud throughout the entire recording. Sorry about that! Quit complaining!
- Broadcasting on Madhouse Live and Blue Planet!
- AT&T Tech Channel on YouTube
- Go watch PLA’s new YouTube videos – Virus Alert and a new Car Ding video.
- Someone get on geeksquadcentral and tell us how badly they’re preparing to sue us.
- Petty Pranks called a few of our Geek Squad leftovers from last week. Listen to his prank here.
- We do a followup call from a Geek Squad call last week.
- Argh…the I Dream of Jeannie music is too loud for 5 minutes. SORRY! It’s because of the technical issues, I swear.
- Happy Birthday, Legend! (And I think TheN too!)
- I swear, Jeannie ends just a few minutes after Happy Birthday!
- Legend does a Car Ding call
- Watch videos of the Amway Arena being demolished here and here, which Rappy demolished with his mind.
05-22-2012 – Genius:
- Broadcasting on Madhouse Live and Blue Planet and 98.9 FM in Idaho.
- Here’s the video from Whitesword where a car ding victim looks for the ding on his car. Whitesword’s new gaming podcast is at secretpassagepodcast.com or facebook.com/SecretPassages
- What is jenkem?
- Car Dings Spousal Abuse Edition has the Rappy beat we were talking about.
- Thanks, NomadCowATBK, for making us get Apple Store customer phone numbers.
- Click here to listen to last Friday’s 6 hour phone conference.
- youtube.com/pettypranks” did a Geek Squad prank – here it is.
- Rappy McRapperson is afraid of spiders.
- minus.com/rappymcrapperson
- Here’s the aftershow, , where we continue to call Apple customers for another hour or so. Also, the next 2 days after that, RBCP and Jenn called the customers who didn’t answer. We only got through to a couple of them, though. That audio is on the end of the aftershow.
05-29-2012 – Satanic Wargames:
I know the audio isn’t as good as it should be. I’m still learning this new software and computer and will hopefully have things ironed out by the next show. Sorry for the frequent bursts of loud and quiet.
- Broadcasting on Madhouse Live and Blue Planet and 98.9 FM in Idaho. Evie drives all the way to Chicago, just so she can hang out in the Laugh Track Matt studio.
- Join the chatroom at tinychat.com/cactuscactus
- A guy calls in with the most complicated plan for scamming a pizza ever and tells us about Chris The Hacker
- As usual, I have the background intro music playing way too loud. It stops at 12 minutes. Sorry about that!
- An epic mistake by RBCP allows Legend to win the game.
- This episode brought to you by icantfindmyphone.com!
- Mr. Bear by The Doubleclicks
- Here’s a video that shows the police scanner that Legend won in the contest.
- Evie wants to do a community art project with a bunch of PLA people. We seriously need to do this, so if you read this years later and we still haven’t done it, then yell at RBCP and tell him to do it. Dammit.
- Here is the Wal-Mart memo about PLA’s prank calls.
- Breaking news – the bird is the word
- Watch Fonejacker episodes on Hulu
- Woman gets fined for blowing a whistle into the phone.
- Don’t visit thisisarecording.com
- The aftershow was short, so I just tacked it onto the end of the same audio file. It lasted about an hour, but I edited out a ton of the drunken chatter, so it only lasts about 30 minutes. We call up a lot of places to tell them that the bird is the word. Because it is.
- Click here to watch the Family Guy episode that has the Bird is the Word in it.
06-05-2012 – Heavy Breathing:
You guys better appreciate the editing I did on this show! This was not a good show, so I listened to the entire thing and the entire aftershow and edited out most of the fail from it, turning 2 hours into 45 minutes. Then I took another hour from earlier in the day when me and Samantha were doing car ding calls and I tacked that onto the end of it, but I edited all the fail from THAT audio and it turned into 10 minutes. So enjoy these extremely edited pieces of audio in this audio file! There’s a few good things in there.
- Blue Planet Prank Radio, Madhouse Live and Cacti Radio
- Newspaper article talks about bomb threats and blames them on PrankNet
- Convervative bloggers are targets of swatting
- None of the Blockbuster customers answer, so I edit out a huge chunk of the show.
- Matt sings an amazing freestyle about generic ringback tones
- Since the show is so short, I’m just sticking the aftershow on here
- The depressing call to Brobert has been edited out. I hate you THEXML!
- Cacti Radio apologizes on behalf of Laugh Track Matt for his heavy breathing
- We do some Dominos customer calls during the aftershow
- Earlier in the day, before The Phone Show started, RBCP and Samantha made a few car ding calls together. I’ve added those onto the end of this show.
- Duane, some kid who’s been leaving notes on cars in Georgia, calls in and talks to someone.
06-19-2012 – Kitchen AIDS:

- Blue Planet Prank Radio, Madhouse Live and Cacti Radio
- The phone version of Smokey and the Bandit – thanks for posting this, Legend!
- Carlito SHOULD be back on the air this week. Be listening this Thursday at 7pm Pacific!
- Follow BluePrankRadio on Twitter
- cactiradio.com/underground is Trenton the T Man’s page of CJB ads!
- Coast guard offers reward in yacht explosion prank call
- Roxy calls in to troubleshoot Windows. Click here to listen to her show that she’s too lazy to do anymore.
- Breaking News: Girl gets arrested for making a prank call to the health department
- Man calls 911 because Taco Bell won’t give him a taco.
- RTLSDR will let you use your computer as a scanner.
- Using Skype in Ethiopia is now illegal – thanks for listening, Arch Angel!
- Buy PLA tshirts! You can have PLA tshirts for just $10, including shipping, so send rbcp@phonelosers.org some money ASAP! And if you like Rappy McRapperson, go here to buy his shirts at regular price.
- New phone mob this Thursday! It will be at 9pm Pacific, 12pm Eastern. Watch PLA’s Facebook for details on Thursday morning or if you want to just listen to it, be listening to Cacti Radio at that time.
- Bathsalt zombies by MC Wreckshin
- Faygo Rain by MC Wreckshin
- Nick was in the paper!
- Here is the aftershow. After the aftershow, I’ve pasted some audio from the next afternoon where we tried all the numbers that didn’t answer during the aftershow. Enjoy this 4+ hour show where we call tons of Oster/Sunbeam customers!
- If you’re a female, email rbcp@phonelosers.org a clip of yourself saying “telephone!” Or males too, I GUESS.
- Click here and here to listen to the songs that The Bomb hates.
- Click here to watch a really awesome toaster!
06-26-2012 – Tabachi TIVOs The Phone Show:
Half of this show was missing, until Tabachi sent me recordings that he made. This is the second time he’s saved a show from being lost forever, so thanks Tabachi! I did some heavy editing during the 2nd half, removing about 30 minutes of failed pranks and stuff.
- Radio safe PLA prank calls
- TPS Archives
- Joe Peacock
- Trenton’s Cacti Radio page
- Go play the PLA Area Code flash card game
- Buy PLA shirts! – only $10 total – PayPal rbcp@phonelosers.org
Originally this show was named “One Third of a Show” and was only 30 minutes long. If you’re listening via iTunes, you’ll probably never hear the 2nd half of this show. Haha, losers.
07-03-2012 – Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.:
- Here’s the video where a guy calls Laugh Track Matt Jar Jar Binks.
- World premiere of BrrrStickem’s new hit single! This song will be added to phonelosers.org/songs/ eventually.
- Join us every Monday night for movie night!
- Broadcasting on Blue Planet Prank Radio, Madhouse Live and Cacti Radio
- Here’s the promo video for the Carl’s Jr. contest
- Here’s a video of RBCP visiting Carl’s Jr. the day after this show.
- Here’s the Reddit link. They really hate this.
- Movie trailer for Compliance.
- Here’s the wikipedia about the guy who molested girls via telephone. Read it, it’s fascinating! Here’s a video of some interviews with people involved and here’s the security footage of it actually happening.
- Trailer for Shut Up Little Man
- Sign Hacker dotcom!
- People post pictures of their debit cards on Twitter because they’re DUMB.
- Here’s the Twitter account of peoples debit cards
- Technology takes the fun out of simple pranks
- Don’t visit PLA’s YouTube – visit Matt’s instead!
- Everyone go to HOPE and stalk Carlito
- This after show is over 2 hours long and mostly consists of us calling up a bunch of Carl’s Jrs and arguing with them about the details of their Spiderman contest. Below is the video of RBCP visiting a couple locations in his Peter Parker costume the following day.
- World premiere of BrrrStickem’s new hit single! This song will be added to phonelosers.org/songs/ eventually.
07-10-2012 – Nuwave and Ahbra:
- Welcome to the Botnet! We love you!
- Call the PLA Bridge – 253-397-1819
- Congrats on the diploma, TheN!
- RBCP gets weird stuff in the mail from anonymous people.
- T-shirts are running low. Order them!
- Surveilance requests by police to phone carriers is up.
- Jury duty is not breaking news, Zyklon.
- My Telephone Artist by Space Opera (Thanks, Stan!)
- Someone tell us where to find our circuit breaker calls!
- Subscribe to Matt’s YouTube!
- AT&T sues a phone hacking victim
- Jury duty prank scares everyone in some town – if you want to trick people with that recorded message, get them to call 704-319-7254.
- Subscribe to PLA’s YouTube
- Mr. Rogers – Garden of Your Mind
- This is the aftershow, where I don’t really remember what happened, other than making wacky sound effects while trying to get phone numbers from pizza places.
07-24-2012 – Flip All The Switches:

- Captain Janks pranks a news show so he can scream Howard Stern at them. Janks is awesome – here’s his website, here’s his Twitter and here’s his YouTube. Here’s the Princess Diana prank call.
- Sorry I edited out your part, Mr. Bridge. It was nothing but phones ringing.
- Click here to see PLA license plates, including the one Ryan called in about.
- Matt tells a beautiful story about coy ponds.
- Song is Feel Good Time by Pink. Stan’s not really into Pink, but last week I found out from him who the Pink sample stuff is from.
- Zan tells us a story even more beautiful than Matt’s, about the time RBCP cost him a bunch of money by tricking him into buying toasters and CB radios. Here’s a link to the 2008 story on phonelosers.org.
- Here’s a link to the toaster/CB radio prank video that’s tricked a lot of people.
- Here’s the soda cup prank video that Zan loves.
- Here’s Richard Cardo’s gnnr-inspired post.
- Geek Squad employee copies a LADY’s racy photos.
- Here’s an archive of Default Radio, an old hacker show.
- We still need to find those circuit breaker calls we did! If anyone knows where to find them, let one of us know. The 2 that Legend put on his YouTube are here and here.
- If anyone recorded Saturday night’s conference, send it to RBCP!
- Here’s a thread about letting RBCP prank your coworkers
- MC Chris’ apology video and here’s a cool new song about the incident.
Since I edited so much from the show, I just kept all the aftershow stuff here on the same file. I chopped a lot out of the aftershow too. We mostly call up convenience stores for customer surveys and circuit breaker flipping fails.
07-31-2012 – We Love You:
This week’s show has video! If you prefer, you can watch a 3 hour uStream broadcast of the show and the aftershow. A bit of the aftershow is missing from it, though, because uStream apparently cuts off after 3 hours.
- Things get off to a shaky start because of sound issues. RBCP’s Skype sound card stopped working, so things were configured differently and were confusing.
- TheN from AfterTheTone.org made a song from love and semen for us. He also used AutoRap.
- We finally found the breaker calls! They are here and here. Thanks, Barry Peanuts and Updyke Underhill, for telling us where to find these clips!
- Click here to listen to the entire Cap’n Crunch FourSquare check in calls. Welcome to FourSquare, Cap’n!
- Click here to listen to the entire 7-26-2011 aftershow, which is where you’ll hear some of our Burns Clean Team calls and then later the circuit breaker calls.
- Tombstone and RBCP call some Geek Squad employees.
- We’re broadcasting on Blue Planet Prank Radio, Madhouse Live, Cacti Radio and uStream.
- Music is from this video where Richard Cardo admits that he was the JonBenet Ramsey killer and that the PLA had nothing to do with it. The song is Point of No Return by Expose.
- FBsearch.us is the new youropenbook!
- twitter.com/needadebitcard is a Twitter bot that retweets people who post pictures of their debit cards.
- Here’s the aftershow, where we spend over 2.5 hours calling pizza customers. If you want to see the video version of this episode, plus the regular show, it’s embedded below.
2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012