Most of our stuff is sold either through Bandcamp or Spreadshirt or TeePublic. If you prefer to pay with something other than PayPal on the bandcamp store, you can send us payments through Google, Bitcoin, and Amazon – just look on our donation page for instructions.
PLA: THE BOOK – $12.00 This is the PLA Book, entitled Phone Losers of America. It’s approximately 310 pages and includes many of the popular stories from phonelosers.org and notla.com, plus a few other things that can’t be found on the site. Included are stories about Dino, credit card fraud, call forwarding scams, red boxing, taking over store intercoms, Big Larry, being homeless, Curtis the Superhacker, wacky morning DJs, how to find a job, the Boulder News frenzy, eBay and McDonalds pranks, and lots more. More information on the book can be found here.The price options below reflect the $12 book, plus shipping to your specific country. If your country isn’t listed, just choose the price that you think it will be. If you pay too much, we’ll refund the difference. You can also buy this book from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, CreateSpace!
Click here to buy the PLA book!
You can also buy the e-book version for your get it here, but then you’re required to support us in other ways.

PLA 2″ VINYL STICKERS – $5.00 FOR 10 STICKERS These vinyl stickers are 2″ in diameter with “Phone Losers of America” written around a PLA logo. For a mere $5.00 you’ll get ten of these stickers, which will look great on all of your personal belongings. Click on the “add to cart” button to order these stickers. If you’d like to see more pictures of this sticker, then click here.
Click here to buy 2″ vinyl stickers!
PLA 1″ VINYL STICKERS – $5.00 FOR 10 STICKERS These black vinyl stickers are approximately 1″ in diameter and contain only the PLA logo on them. For $5.00 you’ll get ten of these stickers, or $1.00 for one of them.
Click here to buy 1″ vinyl logo stickers!
OBEY THE CACTUS VINYL STICKERS – $5.00 FOR 10 STICKERS These vinyl stickers are approximately 1.25″ x 2″ with a cartoon cactus reading OBEY THE CACTUS. For $5.00 you’ll get ten of these stickers, or $1.00 for one of them.