The page will introduce you to most people that are somehow associated with the PLA, whether they contributed to the PLA or they just managed to cross paths with PLAers. If you need to contact the PLA, either use the information found on this page to talk to a particular member, or use the PLA’s contact page.
Also known as: RBCP, Alex, Brad Carter, Arbie
Title: Current Webmaster, editor of old PLA ‘Zine, host of PLA Radio.
E-mail: brad at phonelosers dot org
Current Location: Albany, Oregon |
El Jefe
Also known as: Zak
Current Location: Colorado
Credits: Inspired much of the content written in the PLA issues. He is also present in many of the older PLA prank calls.
Title: Thief
Websites: Myspace, UPL
Current Location: California
Credits: Stole the content in the PLA issues to form the blew up a 909 Verizon switch because RBCP wouldn’t answer his emails.
Logic Box
Misc: Wrote a few articles for PLA, Started the #rock channel, killed the #rock channel, co-founded System Failure, killed System Failure. Participated in the Boulder News Forum fun after writing an article about it in an issue of the PLA zine.
E-mail: logic at geekbox dot net
Current Location: Sunnyvale, CA
Rob T. Firefly
Also known as:RTF, Rufus T. Firefly
Misc: Wrote a few articles for the PLA zine, spoke at the PLA panel during Hope 2004 and 2008, performed the song Deter on the PLA’s Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, wrote quite a few things for the United Phone Losers
Current Location: New York
Also known as: Caffeine Boy, EvilCal, Cal
Credits: Created a BBS for PLA users and forums for the PLA users. Also helped create a few of the PLA TV videos. Ran Cal’s Content Kingdom for about a year. Wrote a Defcon review and a beige boxing article in the PLA zine.
Current Location: Texas
Websites: Live Journal, Flickr
Credits: Appears in many PLA prank calls, such as the movie theater pranks and the auto parts pranks. Also appeared as a faked co-host in PLA Radio Episode #4. Was on the PLA panel at the Hope conferences in 2004 and 2008.
Current Location: Kansas
Richard Cardo
Current Location: Colorado
Credits: Richard Cardo is a professional detective who initiated a rigorous investigation against Brad Carter and the PLA for their involvement in the kidnapping and murder of JonBenet Ramsey during CurervoCon, revealing that Brad cowered under JonBenet’s bed before darting downstairs to write the ransom note. His series of videos on YouTube exposes the PLA for what they really are. Read about the videos, Brad Carter’s book on the subject and Brad’s journal entry. Also, there’s our official Richard Cardo website.
Also known as: Amanda
Current Location: Massachusetts
Credits: Peachey was one of the very first victim’s of IRC’s #rock. I’ll write more about her later, but for now take a look at some old IRC logs at
Big Larry
Also known as: Big Larry
Current Location: Oregon
Credits: In 1996 Larry lived in the same house as RBCP and Colleen Card. Larry was tortured day and night by RBCP for various reasons. You can read all about Larry by clicking here. |
Wow, you guys are still at it?
Why did you take Dino Allsman off of this page? But you still left Richard Cardo and some of the other victims.
mildred monday was my grandmother and all your calls were recorded and my lawyer will be contacting you. you are low life pieces of shit and you will die
Wow, you guys are still going??
I ran a BBS about 20 years ago (The Infernal Machine, later became House of Blue Lights).
Met RBCP on my board while he was leeching my HPAVC archives.
Good times!
Stay with it!!!
Matthew, go home, you are drunk
I am a fanatic of this show. I can’t seem to stop listening. I have been a prankster all my life and love hearing your shows all day at work, during my commutes, and when I goto sleep. What the hell, are you guys loading your ‘casts with crack or something? here’s my number, prank my ass sometime. 847-750-6480. JauxPUNK (joe)
wow cant believe this page is still on, still find the zines fucking hillarious, good times!
The rise of this site once again because of the death of PCN
Love listening to the shows but Brad, you need to amend your prank call style on the Snowplough show. You seem pretty lazy sometimes to keep the joke running and lose credibility after a matter of seconds on occasion. It’s similar to Carlito in terms of being laid back in your approach, if you were a bit more engaged and serious it might result in more credibility and better responses from the recipient.
Ive got a beefy boner
Holy shit it’s Corbin Guy. You leave a lot of voicemails sir