The PLA Book Has Arrived!

Believe it or not, the announcement of an upcoming book about the PLA actually wasn’t an elaborate April Fool’s Day prank. The book is now officially released and you can buy it right now from places like Amazon and CreateSpace!
The Phone Losers of America book is a collection of stories, based around the original issues of PLA, red boxing! Oh wait, that doesn’t work so good anymore. Well, there’s cordless phone eavesdropping and answering machine hacking and…crap, forget relevant.
The PLA’s 310 page book is a collection of short stories which take you on a twenty year journey of high-tech humor, culture jamming, and criminal mischief. From remotely controlling the overhead paging system of a large supermarket, to confusing the phone company with various call forwarding stunts, this bizarre collection of pranks will not only make you laugh, but will make you question the security and sanity of common, everyday business procedures. The stories contained in this book are based on the writings from this website, some which have been featured in USA Today, the Boston Herald, 2600, on CNBC, CNN, TechTV, and countless other websites, books, magazines, radio shows and police reports.
All of the content has been rewritten for the book so you’ll only think you’re reading the same shit that you’ve been reading here for the past 16 years. You’ll get all the classics, like the Dino story, Fred Meyer, the Boulder News Frenzy, Curtis Lee Jones, and more. There’s also plenty of new material, based on PLA themes, along with illustrations by Rob T Firefly, RBCP, Napalmoliv, Sakerobot, and Aftershocks. For a somewhat complete chapter list, visit the PLA book page.
The retail price of the book is $15.00, but you can get yours for $12.00 by going to the PLA Store. If you read your books on a Kindle, you can get the PLA ebook for just $7.50.
So you are hereby commanded to drop whatever you’re doing right now and buy the PLA book! And don’t forget to buy several extra copies as Christmas gifts for each and every member of your family. And buy at least one copy to burn at your church’s Wednesday night youth service. And one to keep in your bathroom. And don’t forget to send a few copies to your favorite inmates in prison. Oh, and one for your coffee table. And one to balance that annoying uneven leg on your washing machine. And a couple to keep by the door to hand out to the pizza delivery guys as tips. Do it!
(To you people that preordered – thanks! If you haven’t received your book already, it should arrive any second now!)
Below is a video of El Gordo Uno unboxing the PLA books he preordered.
Now that I’ve seen my name in print, I can honestly say my life is complete. If I died today I would have no regrets – my life’s work has been validated. Thanks, RBCP, for bringing me fulfillment.