The 2013 PLA Media Pack Torrent is Here

Today, HERE IT IS! What is the PLA Media Pack, you ask? The PLA Media Pack is a giant, 36 gig archive of everything the PLA has ever done. It includes videos, prank mp3 files, pictures, texts, ebooks, and more.
The major thing you’ll notice about the new version is that it includes all of the videos that I’ve put on YouTube this past year, which accounts for most of the 10 extra gigs you’ll get. You’ll also get all of the new live shows that have been happening lately, the few missing episodes of The Phone Show that weren’t in the last one, and a few other miscellaneous things.
So go download it now! And when it’s done downloading, seed it for awhile if you can. I’ll do my best to seed it myself as much as possible. Below is link where you’ll find the new 2013 Media Pack torrent, along with other torrents that you’ll probably want. Share and enjoy!

In other news…there are 2 new videos on the PLA YouTube, both of them collections of the new Facebook job reference pranks.