Stealing Money From Pay Phones
Our new April 1st video on YouTube will show you how to scam a pay phone by dialing a 32 digit code that technicians use to empty the coin box. You can be RICH! That is, if you consider the very small amount of quarters found inside pay phones these days to be a lot of money. Not since our toaster/CB Radio/drive-thru video from last year have we brought you such useful quality video.
This video is for informational purposes only! Do not actually attempt to use this code to empty out coin boxes. Now that this information is in the public eye again, we hope the phone companies will use a little common sense and change the codes again like they did in 1995. But I wouldn’t count on it.
Be sure to watch our other videos at too!
Also this week, I replenished the supply of black PLA t-shirts since they we running low. And while I was at it, I threw a few extra colors in there too. Purple, because I know you hacker types love wearing purple because it makes you look so fabulous. Some kind of reddish color called “cedar” and a hippie-looking green color named Olive. Here’s a picture:

Those 3 new colors are in very limited supply and only available in Large and Extra Large. Black shirts are available in all sizes. Visit the PLA Store to order a shirt. Be sure to put a note on the PayPal order form that you want one of the other colors, otherwise you’ll receive a black shirt.
YOU JERK! the video is missing FIX IT PUNK!
This is Bullshit. I work on payphones, and once the coins are in the collection box, there is no way for the electronics or mechanics of the phone to get them to the return slot.