The Last Myspace Contest Update EVER!
Today the very last winner in PLA’s Myspace Contest was randomly chosen. That winner is…
Congrats, kid from Alabama! You too have won a PLA athletic-style t-shirt, a DVD full of PLA media, and a few stickers. And just to kind of wrap things up in this contest, here are the rest of the winners from the past few months.
April 1st Winner: gone fishin |
April 15th Winner: James Bland Entertainment |
There’s no use in pretending that this contest didn’t suck balls. A total of 14 people entered it, giving everyone extremely good odds of winning. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I guess the lack of participation made it boring. Or maybe a Myspace contest is just a shitty idea no matter what the participation is like.
At least in the draw your own cartoon contest I got some cool artwork for the site out of it. And in the show your love for the PLA contest I got a few hilarious pictures to use on the site. In the design a PLA button contest I got about a dozen new buttons to add to the PLA store. But what have I got to show from this contest? What, I ask you!
I am happy that I was able to give 5 of you some t-shirts, though. I hope you wear them proudly and that they get you lots of chicks, as PLA t-shirts are known to do. We’ll come up with another contest soon. Maybe you can help us come up with a better contest idea by suggesting one in our forums. Lots of thanks to those who vandalized their own Myspace pages in the name of the PLA!
Gawsh, now I can take those god-damn silly looking cacti down!
You should hold a contest to make the next contest.
It’s a good idea, but contests are hard to develop. Maybe a contest on who can present the best subliminal PLA advertisement i.e. sneaking it into a school assignment, or getting a radio announcer to unknowingly plug PLA, or hacking the electronic billboard at the mall to be PLA ads left and right!