PLA Shirts Now In Pretty Colors
If you’ve been dying to get a PLA t-shirt, but black and grey just wasn’t colorful enough for you, then today’s your lucky day! A very limited supply of the new PLA t-shirts are now available in dark green, dark orange, brown and white. Sorry, the pink is already sold out!

I only ordered 2 of each of these different colors – 1 in Large and the other in X-Large. Also available, but not in the picture, are 2 large shirts in the color maroon. If you must have these shirts immediately, then PayPal $19 to rbcp AT Or visit the PLA Store if you’d like to order a black or grey shirt.
Also, you should visit PLA’s page of photos to see your favorite celebrity superstars wearing PLA shirts! Once you’ve ordered a shirt, send in a picture of yourself wearing it and, chances are, it’ll end up on that page.

Thanks for your support! Without the proceeds from these t-shirts, RBCP wouldn’t be snorting nearly as much cocaine!
I want a PLA shirt but I wear a mens small,Im 5’2,115 pounds. The mens large and X-large will look like a bad dress or nightgown on me.Damn it!
Seconds after adorning my PLA garb, four super-duper-hot chicks all ran over to me and started caressing me, rubbing my hair and sensually massaging my biceps – just like in that one axe body spray commercial, only these chicks were way hotter, and they all had gigantic hooters with little glittery nipple tassels.
I’ll take fifteen more of your fine shirts good sir!