Myspace Tshirt Contest

Now that PLA finally has a new t-shirt, it’s time to have a contest so we can give away some of these shirts. In the past we’ve had the Design your own PLA Cartoon contest, the Show Your Love for the PLA contest, and the Design a Button for Our Store contest. This time we’re going to make you modify your Myspace page in the name of the PLA to win.
Entering this contest is easy. Here are the requirements:
- You must add PLA Radio’s Myspace page to one of your Top 4 on your friends list.
- Your primary Myspace picture needs to have a full color PLA logo on it. The logo can be no smaller than 25 pixels across.
- You should provide a link to in your “About Me” section.
- You must have more than 20 friends.
- You can only enter one time, even if you have multiple Myspace accounts.
More details are available on the official Myspace T-shirt Contest page. Click below!

lame. I have no Myspace and refuse to have one as well. Oh well.
I love the look of the new shirt, but seriously… Fuck myspace.
I had not heard of the Phone Losers of America until I stumbled upon this page, but I do think that asking someone to completely redo their myspace page just to give away a free T-shirt seems a little odd. I mean, I know that as a business you always want to look for ways to get the cheapest possible coverage, but come one. I did read the history of the site, though, so I know that you put a lot into PLA, but I would think that you would want to make it a little easier to try and get free T-shirts to the masses so that they could spread the word about the PLA. However, I could be wrong. In fact, I often am, maybe I know so little about the PLA and its fans that I doubt their tenacity and determination to win a free shirt that they would sell out so completely.
i wanna say that i LOVE myspace.
and you guys are on crack.
I do not know what else that you want but last year I did the following:
• You must add PLA Radio’s Myspace page to one of your Top 4 on your friends list.
• Your primary Myspace picture needs to have a full color PLA logo on it. The logo can be no smaller than 25 pixels across.
• You should provide a link to in your “About Me†section.
• You must have more than 20 friends.
• You can only enter one time, even if you have multiple Myspace accounts.
And yet until now I still did not receive any acknowledgment from you guys.