Dead Ants, Live Today!
Today only, well maybe tomorrow too, you can watch RBCP kill ants LIVE on his web cam! This is a spectacle never seen before! You know why is cooler than 2600, L0pht, Phrack and Defcon all put together? Because they don’t set up webcams for their ant traps. That’s right, only the PLA can bring you this kind of action!

This event is sponsored by TERRO ANT POISON, who are revolutionists of household ant control. You can click here to visit RBCP’s live, 24 hour webcam which is now broadcasting ant death. It’s a cool poison, I use it every year. You put a little of it on a piece of paper and set it out of the reach of pets and children. Because apparently they will die if they eat just a little! Then the ants suck up a bunch of it and take it back to their secret hideouts and it kills the whole lot of them! SCORE FOR RBCP! The picture should be updated once per minute. You can also click here to visit Cal’s forums so you can talk about the exciting images you see on the Ant Cam!
thank you so much for this awful website me and my phratr preferent this contentedness and brainstorm