One day I was looking up a big word on and I noticed that they
had a handy utility that let you translate any text from one language to
another. So I started typing phrases into the translater and thought it’d be
fun to see what Dino would look like cursing at us in French or
Spanish. So below is a cut-n-paste job of some Dino dialoge translated into
Spanish. Even if you don’t speak a word of Spanish, it’s fun to read phrases
from Dino like, “después, dickhead!” and “escucha, usted los pequeños
Dino: ” hey, si hay un cierto dickhead fuera allàde escuchar, porqué
usted no me llama, usted bastardo del chickenshit! 258-xxxx, usted
poco cogida.”
Dino: ” escucha aquÃÂ, usted poco los pinchazos, le daré $100 dólares
si usted viene aquày muestra sus caras en vez de ocultar detrás de
su fuckin ‘ teléfonos.”
Zak: ” que sea efectivo o el alimento estampa, sir?”
Dino: ” hey, cójale! Adelántese aquÃÂ. Muestre su cara!”
RBCP: ” si venimos encima voluntad usted nos da una cerveza?”
Dino: ” sÃÂ, le daré una cerveza. Venido encima y podemos toda la
bebida una cerveza.”
RBCP: ” pero entonces usted golpeará mi asno con el pie.”
Dino: ” no, no golpearé su asno con el pie. Apenas adelántese aquày
muestre su cara.”
Zak: ” usted desea mi nombre?”
Dino: ” hola?”
Zak: ” no pienso que usted es gonna consigue un contrato de registro
en cualquier momento pronto con esa voz.”
Dino: ” hey, espere un minuto! Hey, no tenga gente de mierda el
llamar de mi casa de mierda. Usted poco gato de mierda apagado. Cuál
es su número, el hombre?”
Zak: ” 258-0357 ” (number)
Dino: ” es usted seguro?”
Zak: ” no, le estoy contando una broma de mierda grande.”
Dino: ” bien, me imagino que usted porque ése es todo lo que usted ha
estado haciendo toda la noche de mierda está jugando de largo una
broma de mierda. Déjeme decirle algo más. Se está registrando cada
llamada de mierda que usted hace en el número del trabajo de la
cogida de mi esposa, pero sé que usted no cuida.”
Zak: ” su esposa me venderá las cintas porque tengo dicho algunas
cosas divertidas bonitas esta noche.”
Dino: ” hey, el lemme le dice que algo, muchacho, usted coja con mi
esposa, usted sean de mierda con su propio life.”
Zak: ” tengo ya. Ella no es ésa buena.”
Dino: ” Oh, sÃÂ, right.”
Zak: ” y ella me dio herpes.”
Dino: ” Huh?”
Zak: ” I dijo que ella me dio herpes.”
Dino: el ” Oh, de que es bueno.”
Zak: ” bien, el gotta de I va now.”
Dino: ” hey, espere un minuto, me sirven, deje consiguen una pluma “
Zak: ” Why?”
Dino: ” por qué? Porque llamada del wanna de I usted. Cuál es su
Zak: ” Soy G Roy Hogareño Quién usted traga with?”
Dino: ” cogida yoü”
Zak: ” aceptable. Adiós.”
Dino: ” después, dickhead!”.
RBCP: ” Hi, Dino”
Dino: ” qué la cogida usted desea?”
RBCP: ” acabo de querer que usted supiera que esté vigilando todas
sus llamadas telefónicas.”
Dino: ” sÃÂ, sé que usted es, dickface.”
RBCP: ” usted sabe el rectángulo gris en la cara de su casa que diga
el interfaz de la red de teléfono en ella? Bien, he tapado mi
teléfono en ése y tengo control completo concluÃÂdo sus lÃÂneas. La
resistencia es inútil.”
Dino: ” sÃÂ, usted es lleno de mierda usted pequeño fucker! Porqué
usted no me dice donde usted está?”
RBCP: ” aceptable, la iglesia en una furgoneta azul nos parqueamos a
través de la calle. Hay un satélite emitido en su casa asàque oÃÂmos
todo dicho incluso cuando usted no está en el teléfono.”
Dino: el ” bullshit, de que es la furgoneta de las iglesias. Se
parquea siempre allÃÂ.”
RBCP: ” por supuesto se parquea siempre allÃÂ. Le miramos siempre. Hay
una cámara fotográfica allá en su estante.”
Dino: ” escucha, usted los pequeños dickweeds. Soy gonna descubro
quiénes usted es.”
Dino: ” seguro, cuál es su nombre?”
Zak: ” Es Chris Tomkinson.”
Dino: ” bullshit! Usted es lyin ‘, usted poco gato-apagado.”.
Zak: ” hey, Dino, exactamente qué año de escuela del grado usted
I posted the Spanish translations onto the PLA Discussion List and of
course Rob T. Firefly couldn’t be outdone by me so he took my translations
and translated them (also with back into English so now
it makes absolutely no sense. But it’s even funnier to read this way.
Dino: ” hey, if there is certain dickhead outside to listen there, porqué
you do not call to me, bastard you of chickenshit! 258-xxxx, you little
taken. “
Dino: ” it listens here, you little pinchazos them, I will give $100 dollars
him if you come here and shows its faces instead of hiding behind his fuckin
‘ telephones. “
Zak: ” that is effective or the food prints, to sir “
Dino: ” hey, cójale! Adelántese here. Show his face “
RBCP: ” if we come will above you give a beer us “
Dino: ” yes, I will give a beer him. Come above and we can all the drink a
beer. “
RBCP: ” but then you will strike my ass with the foot. “
Dino: ” no, I will not strike its ass with the foot. Hardly it adelántese
here and it shows its face. “
Zak: ” you wish my name “
Dino: ” hello “
Zak: ” I do not think that you are gonna you at any time obtain a contract
of registry soon with that voice. “
Dino: ” hey, waits for a minute! Hey, does not have excrement people calling
of my excrement house. You little dull excrement cat. Which is its number,
the man “
Zak: ” 258-0357 ” (to number)
Dino: ” you are safe “
Zak: ” no, I am telling a great excrement joke him. “
Dino: ” well, I imagine that you because that one you are everything what
you have been doing all the night of excrement an excrement joke is playing
of length. Déjeme to say something more to him. Each excrement call is being
registered that you do in the number of the work of the taken one of my
wife, but I know that you do not take care of. “
Zak: ” her wife will sell tapes to me because I have these some amused
things tonight pretty. “
Dino: ” hey, lemme says to him that something, boy, you take with my wife,
you are of excrement with your own life. “
Zak: ” I have already. It is not that one good one. “
Dino: ” Oh, yes, right. “
Zak: ” and it gave herpes me. “
Dino: ” Huh “
Zak: ” I said that it gave herpes me. “
Dino: the ” Oh, of which it is good. “
Zak: ” well, gotta of I goes now. “
Dino: ” hey, waits for a minute, serve, leaves obtain to a pen “
Zak to me: ” Why “
Dino: ” why? Because call of wanna of I you. Which is its name “
Zak: ” I am G Roy Hogareno Who you swallow with “
Dino: ” taken you “
Zak: ” acceptable. Good bye. “
Dino: ” later, dickhead “.
RBCP: ” Hi, Dino “
Dino: ” what taken you wish “
RBCP: ” I finish wanting that you knew that she is watching all its
telephone calls. “
Dino: ” yes, I know that you are, dickface. “
RBCP: ” you know the gray rectangle in the face of your house that says the
interface of the network of telephone in her? Well, I have covered my
telephone in that one and I have concluÃÂdo complete control its lines. The
resistance is useless. “
Dino: ” yes, you are full of excrement small you to fucker! Porqué you do
not say to me where you are “
RBCP: ” acceptable, the church in a blue van parqueamos us through the
street. There is a satellite emitted in his house so we even heard all
saying when you are not on the telephone. “
Dino: ” bullshit, of which it is the van of the churches. Parquea always
there. “
RBCP: ” of course parquea always there. We always watched to him. There is a
camera back in its shelf. “
Dino: ” it listens, you small them dickweeds. I am gonna I discover who you
are. “
Dino: ” surely, which is its name “
Zak: ” She is Chris Tomkinson. “
Dino: ” bullshit! You are lyin ‘, little cat-dull you. “.
Zak: ” hey, Dino, exactly what year of school of the degree you fell “