Now that red boxing is apparently dead in the United States, what are phreaks supposed to do with their old red boxes since they can’t make free phone calls anymore? This page should hopefully give you a few ideas. They might even inspire you to think up an idea of your own, photograph it and send it to RBCP. You can click on each picture below to see the full size.
No more redboxing makes me sad…. : (
Yeah, it’s too bad…
Will it become legal to own a red-box once the last payphone to take cash is decommissioned ?
It’s more of a musuem piece at that point, rather than a crime tool…
Hey my redbox still works some places in jersey.. went there to visit a friend and found an old payphone and it worked :)
Red Boxing has been dead for a long time now.
Red Boxing is coming back in 2011. So are payphones. I can’t say why…but wait and see. EVERYONE will be using payphones to make nearly ALL of their calls.
Lol @ Gary Gary. Everyone is definitely using payphones nowadays. XD