Here are a bunch of logo-type thingies that you can steal and slap on your own page and maybe even link the images to! We will appreciate this so much that we won’t even return the favor and link back to you. You’ll do it anyway though, because you love PLA and you want to make links to our pages. So thank you! If you’d like to make your own logo or banner for the PLA, do it and email it to rbcp at phone losers dot org.
These are all standard 468 x 60 banners, except for that last one.

Here’s a lot of miscellaneous logos we’ve used over the years. Some are outdated and don’t make any sense. But maybe you can put them to good use.

120 x 60
If you run a PLA State Site then here are some icons to put on your page. If your state isn’t listed, there are a few all-purpose generic icons. Most of these were made by state site owners. If you make your own icon, be sure to email it to us and we might include it here.