Now that PLA finally has a new t-shirt, it’s time to have a contest so we can give away some of these shirts. In the past we’ve had the Design your own PLA Cartoon contest, the Show Your Love for the PLA contest, and the Design a Button for Our Store contest. This time we’re going to make you modify your Myspace page in the name of the PLA to win.
Entering this contest is easy. Here are the requirements:
- You must add PLA Radio’s Myspace page to one of your Top 4 on your friends list.
- Your primary Myspace picture needs to have a full color PLA logo on it. The logo can be no smaller than 25 pixels across.
- You should provide a link to www.phonelosers.org in your “About Me” section.
- You must have more than 20 friends.
- You can only enter one time, even if you have multiple Myspace accounts.

Your Top Friends list must have www.myspace.com/plaradio added as one of your top 4 friends. It doesn’t make any difference which of the first four positions it’s in, as long as it remains in one of the first four positions for the duration of the contest. (Or until you receive your t-shirt in the mail.)

Using an image editing program, you must insert the PLA logo into your primary Myspace picture (the picture that shows up on your profile). If that’s too hard for you, you can make your entire image nothing but a PLA logo.

If you want to be mean about it, you can do something like this:

Or if you want to go nuts with the PLA logo on your image, you can do something like this:

You can grab a PLA logo from here, here, here and here. (Each of those are different sizes.)

Somewhere in your “About Me” blurb, you should have a link that goes to phonelosers.org. The link can go to any page on phonelosers.org and can use any visible text or images.

A good place to find lots of PLA logos and banners to use is www.phonelosers.org/linkus/. You don’t have to use a graphic, though. Text is fine, as long as it’s visible. Link to your favorite part of phonelosers.org, or just to the main site. If you’re unsure how to make an HTML link, just paste the code below into your About Me section:

You must have at least 20 friends in your friends list! This is to help prevent people from making multiple Myspace accounts to enter the contest with. If you don’t have 20 friends then you better start making some!
You can only enter one time, even if you have multiple Myspace accounts! Don’t be sneaky! Just enter once. And if you win, please don’t enter again.
You must send a Myspace message to PLA Radio! The only way we’ll know that you’ve entered the contest is if you’ve sent a message to PLA Radio. Not a comment on PLA Radio’s page. A personal message. Not an email to RBCP. Not a Yahoo instant message or a phone call. You must send a private message to the PLA Radio Myspace. Your subject line should state the word “CONTEST” in it.

This contest is starting on March 17th, 2007 and will end on June 1st, 2007. Five winners will be announced, every two weeks, starting on April 1st. (April 1st, April 15th, May 1st, May 15th and June 1st.)
The winners will be picked completely at random, using a random number generator to select from all of the entries. The winning pages will be picked within a week of each of the announcement dates.
Each winner will receive one of the new PLA t-shirts, in the size and color of their choice. They’ll also receive a few PLA stickers and maybe even a PLA DVD-ROM.
That’s about it! If you have any questions about the contest, ask them in the forums or in the space below.
fucka sucka nut, don’t want to fuckin t-shit!
I entered, and I think I’ll be claiming my 13370 PLA shirt, my PLA stickers, and the PLA DVD
are u just going to update the php script then choose the winner cause there has been no changes to the entries
So has anyone won this contest? I am starting to think this was all a big scam.