Advertising on

Advertising on has existed since 1997. There are days worth of original reading material on our site and even more days of sound and video files to listen to and watch. We receive thousands of page views per day and our site is occasionally featured on popular sites like Fark, and many others which usually results in 25,000 or more page views per day. We’re ready to sell out and cash in our our popularity by offering advertising on our site.

Static text link ad in a post – $10 per post: When you visit the main page of, the page is full of “posts” which are updates related to the Phone Losers of America, the Snow Plow Show podcast, and other things that we find interesting. We can include your text link with a description (no more than a small paragraph) at the bottom of any update or at the bottom of our next update. We will never accept more than 1 ad for a single update, so it will only be your ad. We may choose to include text before your ad that indicates that it’s a sponsored message if it’s not obvious enough for the readers. Your ad will remain in the post for at least a year, but more likely it will be there forever.

Static graphic ad in a post – $20 per post: When you visit the main page of, the page is full of “posts” which are updates related to the Phone Losers of America and other things that we find interesting. We can include your graphic link at the bottom of any update or at the bottom of our next update. We will never accept more than 1 ad for a single update, so it will only be your ad. We may choose to include text before your ad that indicates that it’s a sponsored message if it’s not obvious enough for the readers. The graphic can not be wider than 600 pixels and will be hosted on our server. Your ad will remain in the post for at least a year, but more likely it will be there forever.

Static text link ad in the sidebar – $60 for 6 months or $100 for 1 year: A static text link ad is shown all the time in the sidebar. You can include a small description (about 100 words) if you want. The sidebar is shown on more than 250 pages on

Rotating text link ad in the sidebar – $30 for 6 months or $60 for 1 year: A rotating text link ad will display randomly along with other text ads. The number of ads varies from month to month, but there are rarely more than 10 links in the rotation. As of this writing there are only 6. This means that if you had a link there, it would display on most pages of approximately every 6th time the page was refreshed. The sidebar is shown on more than 250 pages on

Rotating graphic ad in the sidebar – $120 for 6 months or $200 for 1 year:A rotating graphic ad will display at least every 10th time (on average) that the page is refreshed. A graphic ad can be no larger than 340 pixels x 250 pixels. The sidebar is shown on more than 250 pages on

Static graphic ad in the sidebar – $300 for 6 months or $500 for 1 year:A static graphic ad will display each time a page is loaded on A graphic ad can be no larger than 340 pixels x 250 pixels. The sidebar is shown on more than 250 pages on

Static text link ad on a specific page – $50 for 6 months or $100 for 1 year: Your text link ad can appear on any single page, anywhere you like, except for the very top, along with a description that’s no more than a paragraph long. Your text ad will be surrounded by a box or at least lines so that it doesn’t confuse readers. If you’d like, I can color the box that your ad is enclosed in and/or I can color the text.

Static graphic ad on a specific page – $75 for 6 months or $120 for 1 year: Your graphic ad can appear on any single page, anywhere you like, except for the very top. A graphic ad can be no wider than 500 pixels and no taller than 300 pixels. I can include a small line of text below the graphic if requested. Also, I’m willing to work with you if you want to do a half graphic / half text ad for this price. For example, if you want to put up a 250 pixel x 250 pixel ad with a paragraph of text next to it.


How do I buy an ad? If you’re a PayPal user, click on the appropriate grey box/button thing up there. If the buttons don’t work for you, you can PayPal money directly to

PayPal are a bunch of Nazis. Can I pay you some other way? Sure! You can pay with a check or money order via U.S. mail to Brad Carter, PO Box 465, Albany, OR, 97321. If you’d like to pay with Google Wallet or Amazon or other payment options, just ask.

Do you accept porn or gambling ads? Definitely not porn and probably not gambling or ads that seem like a huge pyramid scheme. None of those triangle schemes either. I won’t accept flash or javascript ads. I might even deny your animated GIF ad because it blinks too much.

Do you offer monthly ad rates? Nope, the minimum is 6 months. The reason for this is that I’m lazy and don’t feel like updating ads that often.

Your FAQ doesn’t cover my question! What do I do? I’m freaking out here, man… If you have any questions about advertising, send them to

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