New PLA Apps by WeakNet Labs!

Trevelyn at WeakNet Labs has been busy lately, coding up lots of new programs for the Android platform. Included are blue box and red box programs, now available for free in the Android Market. If you’ve got an Android phone, be sure to use them to make free calls from your cell phone, which will probably cause a universe-exploding paradox of some sort.
Trevelyn is also doing a weekly show on Cacti Radio called Taming The Electron. Be sure to listen to it every Sunday!
For those that don’t know, WeakNet was destroyed by a fire about a month ago, so I’m sure Trevelyn would appreciate a small donation, using the PayPal link on the bottom of his page.
Thanks, I saw you posted this and updated the application to have a 7 button tonight. The app actually hit 500 downloads last night! woohoo! Also, I apologize for not being able to make a new show in a while, I am still living in a hotel.
Haha, you forgot the 7. I didn’t even notice that. It’s no problem about the show, Trev. You have the best excuse EVER for not doing them lately.
To bad it’s not an iPhone app.
Apple are such nazis about apps, they’d probably ban it because 20 years ago it was illegal.
The is what jailbreaking your iphone is for.
It’s well worth doing. If you updated to 3.1.3 your screw’d.
I love PLA more than WNL.
i know there are still some red boxable phones– which ones are they???
This might sound ignorant of me but wut do the red and blue box do? I downloaded both and I’m not quite sure wut to do with them
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is it me or did weaknet labs website get hacked???im freaking bugging out here?????
what is the point? are there even any redboxable phones let alone trunks anymore?