Defcon 17 is very soon…

DEFCON 17 will be held July 31 – August 2, 2009, at the Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Will you be there? A few of us PLA Forum regulars will be, including RogueClown, Rob T. Firefly, notlist3d, RijilV and RBCP. The official PLA Twitter probably won’t be updated too much, but you can follow us around at these Twitters:
Rogue Clown:
Rob T. Firefly:
RBCP will be hanging around somewhere during the Defcon planning thread for more information. See everyone there!
i’m leaving for Defcon tomorrow. SQUEE! :)
see you all there! (and, don’t forget to come to my talk on Sunday afternoon at 2, because it’s going to be shiny.)