Trent was my son. I still miss him everyday. He was my only son and the last of his line. I’ts hard but good to read about Trent’s effect on others. I hope that he will be well remembered. His mother and I are taking one day at a time sometimes one minute at a time. LIFE IS SO PRECIOUS ! We have had a tremendous outpouring from people who knew Trent. That has helped some. We have established a Trent Hutson Memorial Scholarship. It will provide at least one scholarship to a deserving person. I hope that Trent’s memory will have a positive impact even in his death. We had his organs donated. We just received a letter stating that his donation has helped, a 49 year old father of two who had debilitating heart disease, a 45 year old women with degenerative lung disease, a 57 year women with cirrhosis, a 45 year man with diabetes and kidney failure, an 11 year female who needed a kidney, plus more. All are doing gret and are home. As much as I’m glad he has helped people, I still miss him as it seems some of you do also. Thank you for helping keep Sutnerit alive !
-Tom Macomb, February 18th, 1998
The following messages are from the SUT Memorial on PLA’s old FruitWare forums.
TOPIC – Fairwell
– 01/15/98 10:29:12 EST
FROM – <Crossbar> – Ohio
Later Sut.. I want you to tell me if they have phone phreaks in heaven.. I also want to know if our blessed 2600 hrz tone works too.
– 01/11/98 19:01:59 EST
FROM – <Lunachik> – Williamsburg, VA
I don’t know you people very well. I never met Sut. I do know that he was a well respected member and more importantly, Sut was a friend. Some look at suicide as giving up. Radical christians look at it as a sin. Sut’s suicide is neither, and it should be looked at as a tragic loss. The death of any youth, or H/P, certainly any friend and delightful individual should be mourned as a loss to humanity, and a loss to our community. I urge you all to bow your head and pray, regardless of your religious affiliation, pray for Sut, that he will find the peace in his afterlife, that he did not find in life.
– 01/09/98 22:28:41 EST
– erols.com
FROM – <Tha Twisted Mind AKA CoVErED MiND> – NYC
damn i remember when you ppl were talkin about sut….i never really knew him or talked 2 him or seen him on IRC but well if you ppl know him he must of been mad cool…*starts to pour some of his 40* peace SUT you led a hard life…
TOPIC – Sut…
– 01/08/98 14:45:52 EST
FROM – <Staniel> – Macomb
Well, i new trent.
We didn’t usually get along
It’s still a sad time.
Of all the people in the world, trent was the last person who i would expect to commit suicide. Always up-beat and on top of the world. He had a high self image and i think that if things had gone any differently that night, any thing at all, that none of this would have ever happened. Trent, you will be missed. Weather you like it or not.
TOPIC – :)
– 01/08/98 14:29:15 EST
FROM – <spessa> –
I am not amazed in the least that so many people came to pay their respects to a good friend. Evidently, SUT’s death did more good than he may ever know. A lot of differences were swept under the carpet; everyone, in their grief decided that SUT would not want them fighting over petty things when life has so much to offer. On behalf of everyone that’s life was changed (even temporarily) I’d like to thank SUT for letting us all get those differences worked out.
TOPIC – sut
– 01/07/98 23:51:20 EST
FROM – <Archmage> – ~who knows
My friends, death is the impercievable end. But, it’s linda like ending a phriek, if a lot of people pray for ya, it’s like a lot of operators cursing you. Sut could get all the operators cursing, he also has my prayers.
TOPIC – sutnerit
– 01/06/98 18:08:02 EST
FROM – <devnull> – some hick town inbetween lots of corn fields…
I had known SUT for longer than most, i remember him as one of the few who stuck around with #rock, even when the shit was going thru the fan… A mind is a terrible thing to waste? Fuck that, a life is a terrible thing to lose. I guess this finally made me realize that there are people on the other end on IRC. People with real lives. Even though I only knew SUT in his fake IRC life, it hurts me to know that he is gone in our real life. May his skill be recognized in Heaven, Hell, or Eternal Limbo.
TOPIC – sut
– 01/06/98 18:06:07 EST
FROM – <inflexion> – macomb.com
SUT was a good friend. he was always up for anything in high school and we had lots of FUN on #phebe and iparty as i remember….
when i relly think about it, it is almost impossible to believe i will never see another ùÃÂù sut [aarrrghh@port14.dialup1.macomb.com] has joined #phebe
too bad i missed his funeral….
– 01/06/98 16:40:59 EST
– stratos.net
FROM – <Svperstar – DALNet & NHA> – OH
I never new sut, and I guess I never will, but from seeing all of these messages he musta been one heck of a guy. He seems nice. When my friend saw this page he said “Girls rock, but they’re not worth a life”. Why did you do it man?? They all love ya, didn’t you realize that man?? Well, things happen, and life goes on, and I hope SUT is in a good place.
TOPIC – Later Sut
– 01/06/98 14:54:12 EST
FROM – <GanRyu> – Ohio
I rarely spoke to Sut, but when I did, I remember him being great to talk to. Even though life will go on, phreaks will always feel like it’s missing someone. Everyone must realize that Sut is no longer in pain with life, he is now somewhere peaceful. Good journey to you and R.I.P. Later man!!!
TOPIC – Grievance
– 01/05/98 20:14:52 EST
FROM – <tekkin> – Poop
Sut was a really kool guy.I didnt know him that well, and when we first met we fought and shit,but Sut was one hell of a guy.I will miss him and respect the legacy he left behind…
TOPIC – Beloved lost
– 01/05/98 12:38:36 EST
FROM – <SKaLaR109> – Alabama
As I sit here on my college campus and read of the news for the first time my heart is deeply grieved. To lose a friend is something that is not easily dealt with. Sut was a very skilled individual. One who appreciated the true meaning of the H/P scene… To educate. Sut being a very intelgent individual and one that had “common sense” was indeed a true and close friend of mine. MY heart starts to ache now and a tear comes to my eye as i type. Things become blury as is the reason of his death to me. All we can say, hope, and pray is that he is in a better place. A place where society will not degrade him for his moral beliefs. A place and time that we all will face, and must meet. Sut your knowledge and Love will live strong within our hearts. NPA will miss you. You were and ideal soldier in the army that we belong to. I cry because i miss you, but i smile because one
I hope to see you again.
I love you and will miss you forever.
SKaLaR109/ NPA98
– 01/05/98 01:34:50 EST
FROM – <Gwonk> – macomb
There is nothing that I can say about SUT that will unveil his glory of being. He lived in Ohio, Indiana, California, and Illinois. He moved to my hometown the freshman year of his high school career. He went on to be Seinor Class President, while being in my advanced physics class which consisted of every phreaker and computer hacker in Macomb, IL. It was then when he became interested in the whole scene. He went on to make more connections than I have ever made within the community. Apparently, his attitude and his entire being came through over a computer, as well as standard social interaction.
Trent Hutson was a smart man. He earned a 32 on his ACT test, he had a 4.0 grade point average. His biggest problem during all of the events leading up to his death was that he felt too deeply.
I will go to his funeral tomorrow knowing that I saw him the day before his death, and that I saw him being pulled out of his house on a stretcher with blood all over him. I don’t think that his suicide was planned at any time when I was talking to him.
Everything is just screwed up in Macomb, where everyone is just confused on how such a thing would have happened.
– 01/04/98 20:48:09 EST
– bendnet.com
FROM – <Copenhagen> – Oregon, about 10 miles from Tannest’s house
–I wrote an article last night before I heard about what happened to SUT, it was about the things women make men do.
I knew him for about a year…he was cool. He was one of the few of you that used a mac, he was cool about it. Also, unlike the current #rock crew, he didn’t suck. Don’t delete this message, fight the urge.
Copen’s Theorum, Jan98
Dedicated to SUT(1979-1998)
(This article will be in CR4Q zine this month. Available at enphourell.hemp.net)
– 01/04/98 20:47:06 EST
– uu.net
FROM – <Lucky225> – Cali4nia
well i didnt know sut that much, but i alwayz thought of him as a cool person umm i wonder why he would do something like that :( oh well R.I.P.
TOPIC – RE:condolences
– 01/04/98 19:14:49 EST
– bignet.net
FROM – <Collins> – Ophiot
Thanks man. I really appreciate it. It’s nice to know at a time when IRCops seemed so hopeless you proved me wrong. That tooks some balls to go against your peers like that. Only wish more people didn’t fall to the pressure. Peace to SUT.
TOPIC – Sutnerit
– 01/04/98 18:02:16 EST
FROM – <krazy tunez> – Florida
we’ll miss you bro
TOPIC – condolences
– 01/04/98 17:42:00 EST
FROM – <StudNo1> – Oklahoma
I would like to sincerly give my condolences for the lose of your friend, and would also like to apologize for any behavior that any ircops exhibited in your channel that was abusive or cruel. On behalf of myself I am truely sorry for you lose and any problems that may have accured due to any actions of a few ircops on DALnet.
TOPIC – sut
– 01/04/98 17:38:51 EST
– tacorp.net
FROM – <vect0r> – ohio
sut ruled.. i remember talking to him on
confs and irc. He was smart and its to bad
he had to end his life. We all will miss SUT.
TOPIC – Dreamin’
– 01/04/98 16:41:00 EST
FROM – <Phusi0n> – WV
Sut….I didn’t know you for very long. I’ve missed the last few weeks of IRC and I may have missed a lot of you. I know I’m missin’ you now. I hate it when people die…I didn’t know you that well and now I’ll never have a chance. I don’t beleive in God or Heaven but if there are those things…I hope you’re experiencing the best of both.
– 01/04/98 16:17:30 EST
FROM – <StRyKeReYe> – HiWAAY.net
It appears that my message didn’t post the first time so
I didn’t know sut much but what I did know of him was he was spontaneous funny and was the whole sum of #rock we will miss him very much.
– 01/04/98 16:12:19 EST
FROM – <StRyKeReYe> – The Gettin Place
Sut was a cool guy I didn’t know him long but what I did know of him was he was a cool guy spontaneous funny he was the whole sum or #rock and we will miss him
– 01/04/98 14:54:11 EST
– uu.net
FROM – <Fermaldihyde> –
Sut was a good person. When ever you went in a room, he was the first to greet you. I don’t know why he did this over a girl. I know what it feels like to be lonely. Heck, I have never not been lonely. I have thought about suicide so many times that it isn’t funny. But someone of us can take it. All I know that Sut was a good person, and didn’t deserve this. But God chooses our fates, and we are stuck with them. I just hope Sut is in that big pay phone in the sky. Bye. You will be missed.
– 01/04/98 14:20:40 EST
– en.net
FROM – <esspee> – Ohio
he=the and the address in it was wrong, its sean@sekurity.org
TOPIC – esyoutee
– 01/04/98 14:19:00 EST
– en.net
FROM – <esspee> – Ohio
Sut was da bomb. He was funny, spontaneous, and could always give anyone a good harassing. #rock will never be he same…
– 01/04/98 06:33:05 EST
FROM – <KlexN> – California
I knew Sut as being a very Educated, skilled, and friendly person. He as always friendly and welcoming to me. Me and him explored the great inventions of “MAN” (The www and the personal computer). I didn’t know him as well as I wished I had but often things aren’t always as you’d like them to turn out. I’m assuming SUT is the same way as I am, I have a large need for Companionship and love, and thoughts of passing away have crossed my mind also but I could never draw myself to commit to it. However, I hope that he is happy where he is now and I wish the best for him. Sut IS a good man, and if his computer is on right now I hope that if he sees anything, I hope that he sees how much everyone loves him and that we will be missed much from the other side (The side from which you and I are right now). I feel as if a part of me has crossed over that fence with Sut, and I hope that all these wemen see that things aren’t always a joke! May sut rest in Peace and forever reside in all of our hearts, Minds, and in our souls..
– 01/04/98 05:17:45 EST
FROM – <DelRay> – Detroit
Well i don’t know if that last message was appropriate or not but what i really meant to say is that he will be missed and i wish i would have got to known him better, and also that woman are evil i like them and all but they are evil
– 01/04/98 05:15:22 EST
– bellsouth.net
FROM – <DelRay> – Detroit
Well i didn’t know sut that well i talked to him a few times but he seemed pretty cool and if anyone comes on the board and disses sut all i have to say is you will pay.Well sut was cool and thats all i have to say
– 01/04/98 05:10:18 EST
FROM – <coldash> – Toronto
I didnt really know SUT, but seeing that he is so greatly missed, I regret I will never have the chance to get to know him beter. R.I.P. SUT.
TOPIC – the story about sut
– 01/04/98 01:26:54 EST
– infoave.net
FROM – <Defenestrator> – charlotte
You guys don’t know the half of it. just the way it happened, I heard about it in #rock, it’s not pretty. Ii’m not even going to repeat it here, but i’ll just say I feel real sorry for Gwonk especially, because of what he saw and what he went through. And as for his decision, I can only say he made the wrong decision. Also Isolation X has decided to make a website dedicated to suicides, not just of teens, but suicide period. When it finally goes up, it’ll be on sut.org (as of right now) and all of us fools are helping out.
TOPIC – sut
– 01/04/98 00:41:51 EST
FROM – <Aardwolf> – Williamsburg, VA
I cant belive anyone could do such a thing, and sut? why him? I almost wish i did not know about this, then I would not feel sorry, have a tear in my eye, have a lump in my thoat. I know i did not know him too well, we talked a few times in msg windows, and I saw him alot in #phreaks and #2600. But over a girl? Im not going to say its stupid like everyone else, because I have been down that road too… All I have to say is that I will miss you sut. You will never be forgot.
– 01/04/98 00:34:44 EST
FROM – <Anarchy_Man> –
I talked to SUT a few times but never really got to know him. He seemed like a nice guy, Nobody ever dies. They just go to another state of spirituality. Wherever he is, I hope he’s happy.
– 01/04/98 00:26:48 EST
– polarcomm.com
FROM – <Blue_Boy> – ND
SUT was good shit and i’m gonna miss him alot. His ideas, memories, and skills will live forever in our minds
TOPIC – Peace Out, Sut
– 01/04/98 00:22:30 EST
– psi.net
FROM – <HoBo (AnaloG/DigitaL)> – Missouri
I talked to sut a few times.. pretty quite fellow. Quiet, probably because he ws busy learning like we all should be… I’m sorry to see him go, but he was stupid… Suicide? that is just stupid… any retard out there commits suicide.. and i’ll kill you.. and sut will beat your ass on the other side.
– 01/03/98 23:44:44 EST
– psnw.com
FROM – <NetGuy> – California
I only wish I could have knowen SUT better. I met him once in #Phreaks or #2600 He was funney and nice to me. I just feel so bad that he killed him self
I hope you like it whare you are. We will miss you.
– 01/03/98 23:38:30 EST
FROM – <Colaytion> – CA
I remember sut, Killerl00p and I getting together to play trivia late at night on IRC. No one usually won, but we had a lot of fun. Sorry to see you go so soon, sut.
– 01/03/98 23:31:27 EST
– uu.net
FROM – <Knuclke> – Flordia
SUT was a good friend, he was one of these best people in the world. I think I most remember him from the time when me and SUT were talking about the Armageddon and SUT goes. You know what knuck your going to die commie so face it. Then I was like thanks SUT your cool. Then he made funny of me. Um n/m
– 01/03/98 23:24:56 EST
FROM – <Sardo> – DALnet / MI
sut was a cool guy…
I remember talking with him about some political shit one day, and we really clicked on our views…I regret that I didn’t get to know him better. Living life in a state of depression really sucks, and it’s really easy to shut others out when you feel that low. I’ve been there many times…and I’ve come close to forgetting all those that DO care.
sut, if the Jungian collective consciousness exists and you are privy
to all these messages and feelings-
then you know now that you weren’t
alone in your dark times. There were
people all around you to turn to; good friends who cared about you. Hell,
I’d have listened, man. You’ve left us
all wishing there was something we could
have done to make it better…
I guess we won’t know that until our
time comes around. See you then, friend.
You’ll be missed in the meantime.
– 01/03/98 22:48:53 EST
FROM – <Da_Kender> – 812
Alright, I won’t lie, I wasn’t very close with SUT, I even had a few fights with him, but I never hated him, and considered him a friend, no matter how distant.
I don’t think suicide was the answer, but I hope he perceived it as worth it.
Farewell, SUT
– 01/03/98 22:41:14 EST
– bendnet.com
FROM – <KillerL00p> – NinjaVille
Man, Sut was a damn ninja, we had fun terrorizing boards and shit, sorry to see you go bud, i’ll miss you
TOPIC – damn man
– 01/03/98 22:34:46 EST
FROM – <IsolationX> – Arizona
Damn man sut, why did you have to do that shit. That wasn’t right. Why didn’t you just ask for help? I know life sucks alot, but there are good things. Hope you are feeling better where you are bro. I love ya and will mis you. Hope you can see this where you are.
TOPIC – SUT My Friend
– 01/03/98 21:56:25 EST
– empnet.com
FROM – <ThatOneGirl> – Oregon
SUT was a good friend…. I won’t forget meeting SUT and so many of the great times I had with him on IRC. One time in particular stands out, the porn drawings we did on a Web Board that had a white board kinda thing… His renditions of guys having sex, drawn as stick figures will always make me laugh when thinking about it. I also won’t forget Sut’s pep talks to me when I would feel especially low or hurt about something. He was a wonderful and brilliant person. Life is so precious and so short, SUT’s was far too short, and I wish his soul peace. Just so I can keep with my tradition of being a total freak and loser I want to include some lines from a song I think is fitting today……………………

– 01/03/98 21:26:14 EST
FROM – <phanop> – dallas,tx
i never knew SUT really well, but i still feel a great sense of loss at what happened.
it’s really too bad that this happened, i think suicide hurts more than a natural death… i dunno
– phanop
– 01/03/98 21:16:12 EST
FROM – <Shylock> – ohio
Well I never knew him that well, just always thought he was a pretty cool guy.
TOPIC – Hope He Rests In Peace
– 01/03/98 21:07:16 EST
FROM – <Mode > –
People, Sut was a rhad guy and ill miss him, i was just talking to him the other day so its kinda hard to actually believe he’s gone.
Alot of people were mean to him, to all the fuckers that apply, i hope you feel like shit now, cause now you dont even have a chance to appologise to him..cause now its too late..
This shit was unexpected, SUT will be well missed.
– 01/03/98 20:45:30 EST
– visi.net
FROM – <MorningDew> – VA
Damn, that sucks really bad that sut died, he was pretty cool and this is a real bad loss
TOPIC – oops
– 01/03/98 20:41:40 EST
– psi.net
FROM – <Logic Box> – Sunnyvale, CA
Shit, it isn’t Nelson, it’s Hutson. what the hell was I thinking? Tirentus Eugne HUTSON.
– 01/03/98 20:38:54 EST
– bignet.net
FROM – <Collins> – Ophiot
I wasn’t great friends with SUT. Nor was I an enemy. Our paths just never passed. I do feel a loss, even though I didn’t quite know him. It’s always a tradgedy when someone with so much potential leaves us. I do feel that he is on a much better plane now, and hope he is happy.
TOPIC – Sutnerit
– 01/03/98 20:38:13 EST
– psi.net
FROM – <Logic Box> – Sunnyvale, CA
Sutnerit has been my friend for a long time now, longer than I’ve known most of you. He was one of the oldschool #rock guys from way back when I started the channel in November of last year. He was always a good person, often came up as one of the first people we invited onto confs, and went out of his way to keep in touch even through the difficulties of college. I can imagine how upset he was when his girlfriend broke up with him… I know he loved her very much. I’m sorry he couldn’t deal with it though. I’ll miss him.
Tirentus Eugene Nelson
TOPIC – SUT’s death
– 01/03/98 20:34:27 EST
– swbell.net
FROM – <Data Ferret> – Tx
shit, suts death kinda hit us all by suprise.. who would have ever thought that would have happened?? well this definatly sucks. me a sut were pretty good friends. ill miss him alot. if anyone needs to talk about it email me or find me on irc.. rest in peace SUT
– 01/03/98 20:33:59 EST
– together.net
FROM – <Madk0w> – DALnet
I didn’t really know SUT very well…I only talked with him a few times…Its a tragitity fo something this great has to hit the h/p communitity like this. Peace
TOPIC – we’ll always miss sut
– 01/03/98 20:31:08 EST
FROM – <cryptik> – tx
sut was good person real sad how things went.
TOPIC – duh
– 01/03/98 20:30:22 EST
– infoave.net
FROM – <Defenestrator> –
i dont even know what to say. he’d always make ya laugh no matter what. he’ll be missed.
– 01/03/98 20:30:10 EST
– dnaco.net
FROM – <whyerhead> – Dumpster behind Office Depot.
Well, I dunno what to say. Sut, we’re really gonna miss you man. I dunno how we’re gonna be able to harass IRCops with out you..
– 01/03/98 20:30:01 EST
– aol.com
FROM – <ChowMein> – CA
i can’t believe that we are trying to have a “wake” and the fucking IRCops are crashing it! Can’t they have some feelings and leave #rock alone?
TOPIC – Sutnerit
– 01/03/98 20:19:11 EST
– uu.net
FROM – <k0rtex bawm> – TX
Shit … don’t really know what to say. We all will miss him, and we’ll always remember him… He’s the reason I ever even got in #rock. Sucks what he did … he kept that channel alive. Too bad he couldn’t have worked it out differently.
– 01/03/98 20:18:38 EST
FROM – <spessa> –
I think it’s great that we have a place to talk about how SUT’s death touched our lives. SUT had a wonderful personality and it’s a shame he died so young and so tragically.
TOPIC – Memorial Online Wake for SUT
– 01/03/98 20:11:29 EST
FROM – <DALnet #rock> – DALnet
If you can bear the fucking IRC Ops attacking the channel tonight please stop by and pay your respects to Sut Nerit… SUT… our friend who we will miss terribly. WE LOVE YOU SUT
– 01/03/98 20:09:43 EST
– aol.com
FROM – <ChowMein> – CA
Well, sut was a cool person and he was funny. i will sure miss him, sorta sux0rs that he committed suicide. Wish is could have been worked out different.
02/27/05 – dustin from virginia beach: I miss you Trent.
Why is his name wrong everywhere here? It is Tirentus Eugene Hutson. I spoke with him on Monday, May 15th, 2017. I know it is not believable but it happened. I am trying to contact Tom Hutson as of today. Not Tom Macomb.
“There goes my hero” – Foo Fighters