12/31/2006 – Learn all about phone mobbing by listening to our phone mobs on Love Line, What’s Your Bid, Russian Brides, Our Prisoner and a few other radio station call-in shows. There’s also some voicemails, which is always the best part of the show. This podcast is 26 minutes long and is about 24.7 megs.
- 00:00 Cactus mix
- 00:30 Welcome to Episode #13 Visit barelypodcasting.com for Barely’s laugh and his podcast
- 01:42 Sarah601’s Love Line mob
- 03:33 What’s Your Bid? (listen to even more of this mob on our Phone Mobbing page)
- 09:46 Russian Bride conference call
- 10:20 Corn Cob Phone Mob (listen to even more of this mob at PLA Minnesota)
- 15:29 Our Prisoner mob (ourprisoner.com for the official website. And visit our Phone Mobbing page for more Our Prisoner clips.)
- 16:53 The Shopping Show (listen to even more of this mob at PLA Minnesota)
- 22:30 The End – visit the PLA forums
- 23:14 Voicemails – visit the PLA Voice Bridge or call it at 641-678-3404 ext. 752.
Chris Burchett
Click here to download the show in full 128kbps quality
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Number of downloads as of January 12th, 2007: 6,949
9/19/2006 – This is kind of a short episode, as far as content goes. The last 20 minutes is nothing but voicemails from listeners. But in this episode you’ll learn a few different ways to easily make free phone calls. Covered are red boxing, 3rd party billing and charging the phone company for your calls. Very educational! You’ll also hear some breaking news from a computer hackers convention, a way to listen to PLA Radio on your cell phone and a few miscellaneous prank phone calls. This podcast is 36 minutes long and is about 32.9 megs.
- 00:00 $1.00 in red box tones
- 00:08 New Sugarhill Gang cactus mix
- 01:16 Thanks to computerwiz_222 from the CellCast podcast
- 01:58 Demonstration of red boxing
- 04:04 Demonstration of 3rd party billing
- 06:00 Demonstration of billing office billing
- 07:20 News coverage of the Rubicon hacker convention
- 10:10 Natas‘ Radio Show PBX (call it at 712-432-7923)
- 11:50 Grandma helping me with voicemail
- 13:21 Voicemails – our new voicemail number is 505-796-4020
- 31:58 Hooray for Boobies by The Bloodhound Gang
Click here to download the show in full 128kbps quality
Click here to download the show in 32kbps quality
Click here to discuss this episode
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 5,650
8/19/2006 – I talk a little about a few of the jobs I’ve held in the past and play recordings from each of them, showing just how horrible I am with customer service. This podcast is 20 minutes long and is about 18.5 megs.
- 00:00 Cactus intro mix
- 00:45 Pizza calls (click here for more)
- 03:45 Auto parts calls (click here for more)
- 05:39 Voicemails
- 09:35 Promo for Protected Stock Radio
- 10:20 Car dealership calls
- 16:49 Hotel calls (click here for more)
- 20:00 Begging people to visit phonelosers.org
Click here to download the show in full 128kbps quality
Click here to download the show in 32kbps quality
Click here to discuss this episode
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 11,107
7/22/2006 – What happens when you send a text message to 500 random people with the message “Fuck you motherfucker”? Listen to this show to find out! This podcast is 17 minutes long and is about 16.1 megs. Here’s a rundown of the episode…
- 00:00 A call from a stranger
- 01:05 Welcome to PLA Radio Episode 11
- 01:24 Voice mail responses
- 02:38 Text message responses (here the full list of messages)
- 04:28 PLA Radio voicemail messages
- 07:01 linear (lyrics are here)
- 12:54 PK&J Show promo
- 13:34 Big Beef Bueno show promo
- 14:06 More voice mail responses
- 14:46 Goodbye
- 14:52 Vacant Lot – This Song is gonna Make A Great Video
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Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 13,780
6/2/2006 – We have lots of fun with fast food drive-thrus in this episode.
Bonus Extras! Listen to the voicemails that I left off the regular show since I didn’t want the show to get too large. After that, hear RBCP beat the geeks on a game show. Click here to listen to it.
Click here to download the show
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 17,428
5/14/2006 – A listener emails a question about social engineering Blockbuster Videos, claiming that it’s now nearly impossible. I spend a couple evenings calling every Blockbuster Video in Orange County to prove him wrong. This show is a collection of some of the more informative and entertaining of those calls, plus some voicemails, promos and the best cactus mix you’ve ever heard. This podcast is 29 minutes long and is about 27.2 megs.
The piano music played throughout this episode is the theme from The O.C., also known as Califoria by Phantom Planet. The Cactus Mix background track is by Jay-Z and is called Squeeze 1st. The song on the end is California Love by Tupac and Dr. Dre.
Bonus Outtake! There were a ton of calls made to the various Blockbusters around Orange County but I couldn’t play them all or the show would have been really long and boring. One of the more amusing clips was my girlfriend Jammie attempting to social engineer a Blockbuster out of their password. It was her first attempt ever at social engineering anything and you get to hear her whine a bunch and shake and get cold sweats as I give her a pep talk. Click here to listen to it.
Click here to download the show
Click here discuss this episode in our forums
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 23,597
4/30/2006 – In this episode, Click here to download the show. And if you’re on dialup, download the small version of the show.
The background music on this show is the theme from Knight Rider. And the song on the end is called Re: Your Brains and is by Jonathan Coulton. Visit his website to download lots of great music.
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 12,848
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 14,384
RBCP reads and responds to a few gripping emails from podcast listeners, setting a new standard for podcasters everywhere. This podcast is approximately 7 minutes long. Click here to listen to it.
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 29,568

RBCP & Murd0c broadcast this episode from inside of a dumpster outside a Missouri movie theater, hoping to answer phone calls via the theater’s phone box that they’ve tapped into. They succeed, but are thrown into jail for a few months, pending trial. The involuntary manslaughter charges are dropped, but the phone calls are still hilarious. This podcast is approximately 19 minutes long. Click here to listen to it.
In this episode you’ll hear the best of our movie theater prank calls. You’ll also hear the song Guilty Deter which was parodied by RBCP and performed by Rob T. Firefly. You’ll also hear Rob’s remix of one of the theater pranks and an ad from our old Switch campaign.
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 12,624

This episode features my new co-host Mary, a relay operator. It also features songs, skits, messages, commentary, commercials and raps all performed by deaf relay operators. It’s approximately 17 minutes long and the download is 15,597 kb. Click here to listen to it.
Most of the relay voicemail messages played are more than 10 years old. The message involving the terrorist blowing up a commuter airline, done in 1994, was left on my own voicemail by myself while hanging out in the Portland, Oregon airport. “Mahmoad” was my roommate’s name. Other messages were left on my home answering machine by PLA readers that I don’t know. Thanks to RTF who made the Shakesphere promo for us a couple years ago.
The people over at the Deaf Relay Message Board aren’t too amused with this episode! Be sure to stop by and say hello to the board moderator, Clear-Conscience. There’s some great messages there relating to relay prank calls and a lot of the ops think that they’re vigilantes and will call back the pranksters.
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 12,837

This episode of PLA Radio will introduce you to the fine art of lying, also known as social engineering. Learn how to infiltrate various businesses and trick them out of information, all with a simple phone call. This program is approximately 17.5 minutes long and the full version is about 17 megs. Click here to listen to it. You can download the smaller version instead, by clicking here. It’s recorded at 32kbps and is only 4 megs. Many thanks to this webpage which we downloaded the Dateline NBC theme song from. And I didn’t really threaten to kill that one phone company lady – I dropped in that bit of audio later. I swear, okay??
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 9,391

RBCP makes a few prank calls to Click here to listen to this episode.
CREDITS: The Brady Bunch by Weird Al Yankovic, Time to Change by the Brady Bunch, It’s a Sunshine Day by The Brady Bunch and Keep On by the Brady Bunch. We also took the “Please deposit 25 cents” clip from the This is a Recording website.
Number of downloads as of September 27th, 2006: 8,941