This page contains many free resources for tracking a person down, such as checking addresses, reversing phone numbers and doing reverse address lookups. I try to keep these resources updated as often as possible. If you find anything that’s out of date on this page or maybe a form that doesn’t work, please scroll to the bottom of this page and tell us about it in the comments section.
United States Post Office Who better to count on than the post office guys themselves? Using the their form, you can enter in an address, city and state and it’ll give you the CORRECT address and zip-plus-four code. Visit their web page for other options, such as finding out where a Zip code is located.
If USPS is down, try using Google Maps instead. Google Maps is really good at correcting a bad address you’ve given it and finding the correct address and zip code for you.
Enter an area code and prefix in any of the forms below to find out where they are located and what provider they’re with. Fone Finder will even tell you which cellular carrier an exchange is with. DSLreports will tell you the physical location of the phone company central office and what other exchanges are serviced by the same CO. Switchboard will give you phone listings starting with the area code and prefix that you enter.
The Directory This directory has an area code/prefix lookup. You pick any area code in the United States. Then you get a listing of every prefix in that state which tells you exactly what city the exchange is located in.

WhoWhere? This site has white pages, yellow pages and a very useful reverse telephone number lookup tool. Put a phone number into the form below and it’ll tell you who own it. Doesn’t usually work for unlisted phone numbers, though.
Here are a few articles from phonelosers.org on various topics that might interest someone looking for information.
Identifying an Unlisted Phone Number If the searches on this page don’t help you, here are a few tips on figuring out for yourself who a phone number belongs to.
Recording Telephone Calls How to record your telephone calls. Also shows you how to detect phone taps on your own line.
National Address Server This works kind of like the U.S. Post Office, but besides validating your address it will also print out an address label with a bar code on it.
Apartment Lookup Service You can get a listing of all the apartments in a given area by typing a city and state into this form. Great if you want to quiz the apartment manager about a tenant’s unlisted telephone number.
Bigfoot.com A large directory of e-mail and people directory services.
U.K. Yellow Pages It’s like the U.S. Yellow Pages…only in the U.K!
Telephone Directories A listing of different telephone directories on the web from different countries.
SwitchBoard Yellow pages, white pages, you know the drill…
Zabasearch Put in a name, address, city or just partial information and it will return public records of names, addresses and phone numbers. There’s usually an option to order complete searches on them. But the free results are nice and sometimes include birthdays.
United States Selective Service System Gives you the ability to verify your selective service registration, presenting you with your selective service number and registration date.
Dex Online Another yellow and white pages directory. Lets you look up by business catagories too.
thelist.com Looking for someone in a particular city? This list shows just about every internet provider in any given city, lets you list by areas or search for specific servers. Great for figuring out what ISP your target is on.
InfoSpace Search Standard lookups of businesses and residences. Also does reverse lookups on phone numbers.
familytreemaker.com The largest and most complete genealogy resource. This is software that helps you search for your ancestors.
ancestry.com Another site for going genealogy searches.

- The Stalker’s Homepage An excellent source for anyone who wants to know stuff they shouldn’t. Includes search engine/people finder forms all on one page, social security number databases and ANI blocking services.
- Investigator Resources A site for the professional investigation industry.
- PI Magazine Although the subscription price really sucks, it’s a great source for anyone interested in this type of thing.
- Spies Online A listing of different URLs to things like anonymous e-mailers, information brokers and search engines.
- Information Unlimited Lots of spy equipment, kits and related things.
- Sales Leads USA These people sell some pretty nifty CD-ROMs of phone listings and other data.
AnyWho.com Look up a person by last name, city and state:
dnsstuff.com Your IP address is . This website provides various searches involving IP addresses and domain names. Here are a few of the more useful searches.
Google I cannot stress how amazingly incredible Google is at everything. Put anything you want into the form below and Google will find something on it. You can even put in a phone number and Google will reverse lookup the number if it’s listed, sometimes even giving you previous owners of the number, as well as current.

MapQuest Enter any address in the United States and you’ll get a map of that area with a dot showing exactly where the address is located. Let’s you pan around & zoom in on areas. This thing rules.
Here are a few other mapping programs:
Yahoo Maps
Google Maps
Maps On Us

Canada Post The Canadian Post Office web site. It offers a lot of the same address lookup features as the USPS.GOV site does, but for Canadian addresses.
Canada 411 Directory Lookup This site will look up businesses and residences in Canada. Unfortunately it won’t do reverse lookups on phone numbers.
The following companies can help you find information. While they’re not free, many are professionals that can get you the results you need for a sometimes reasonable fee.
- teleroot.com – cell phone number search This site does lots of different searches, such as reversing unlisted cellular phones and finding the phone numbers working at a given address.
- United States Interlink
- Tracer Services
- peoplesearchamerica.com Nationwide People & Phone Locator Services, Asset Location, and Background Checks
- The Locate Corner
- Spy Base Featuring The Latest State-of-the-Art
Surveillance and Anti-Surveillance
- Spooktech
- Shadow Trackers
- knowx.com
- P.D.I. Investigations
- Public Records by Discreet Research
- DMV Searches
- Data Land
- Data-Trac Online
- ABDI Professional Legal Investigations
- Discreet Research
- Business Gates
- Advanced Research
- Classified3
- Search-Net
- Fifty Dollar Phone Searches
- Reverse Cellular Phone Searches
- Unlisted Telephone Number Searches
- Intelligence West Asset Investigation Specialists / Hard to Obtain Information / PI Software
- Sarao & Associates A valuable resource for law firms, insurance companies, investment banks, corporations, and members of the general public in need of a private investigations firm.
- Yahoo’s List of Info Brokers This is a current listing of all Information Brokers listed with Yahoo.
- Imperial Investigations Providing Complete, Confidential and Conclusive Private Investigations, Pre-employment Screening And Complete Research. Licensed Investigator Since 1982. Fully Insured.
- FYI Investigations, Inc. Specializes in Nationwide Pre-Employment Screening, Fraud Investigations and Retail Loss Prevention Consulting.
- Find A Friend Reunite with lost relatives and find college & high school friends.
- The PI Webring This is a list of all the PI’s in the web ring. Jump to a random PI site!
- Pinnacle Investigations & Security Services Ltd. Vancouver, BC, based private investigators specializing in accident, background, domestic and criminal investigations. Services include employment verification, polygraph examination, security consulting and security services.
- 1-800-US-SEARCH These are the guys who do heavy advertising on all the morning talk show breaks, along with the psychic friends and other infomercials. That should tell you something…
See, I heard that there are websites where you could find the exact location of a cell phone just by typing in the number. Does anyone know of such a website?
411.ca does reverse phone number lookups for Canada
The Google search brings up a 403 error.
Hi, there
I found this content website is useful for information about Reverse phone lookup and cell phone records: http://www.fonerecords.com
Good Luck!
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I’m trying to find out everything i can about my husband’s mistress. Her mothers maiden name, so i can possibly get in her email,(that is the secret q) anyone have any suggestions.
Hey Brad,
I just discovered your PLA website and podcasts! Great stuff. I hear that you messed with MJ from 93.3 HE fucking sux! I hate that dude and it was great to have him get a taste of his own medicine.
I had a question about that, did you ever get in trouble about for that? What did they do? I heard in the podcast that he got all your info and the FBI has the case, I think it was bullshit but I was curious to see what happened with that.
We specialize in domestic relations ranging from infidelity, divorce and chils custody. 866-640-1010 or http://www.matecheckpi.com We can get phone records that have been erased like text messages, that is one of the hottest new things we can do for you please contact for a free conseltation.
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JEN: Ancestory.com is a great site that provides birth info (many times mother and father’s names, birth, etc). They also offer a 14 day trial so you can test it out.
Hey Investigator Resources dot com is currently being completely redeveloped and will provide a lot of online PI tools and detective information soon. More so than it used to before so you might check it out too.
This site is a great resource. I use a cool new FREE SMS service. Just TXT checkthisnumber + and 10 digit phone number to 368638 (DOTNET).
It is amazing. You get back unlisted and cell numbers! All FREE.
TNID.org totally belongs on this list. They’re the only site I’ve ever heard of that gives CNAM results away for free!
I came across your site by accident and I have to say that I’m impressed with all the information you offer here. Good job man.
It’s always better to use a website that provides paid reverse cell phone lookup services; since it needs a lot of money to maintain a proper cell phone number database. And, so those who claim to conduct cell phone lookup at free of cost are all bogus; they charges money afterward. There are several sites that provide the most reliable fast and accurate result for minimum charges. You may use AAfter to get a comprehensive list of such sites. Just put the number in the search box and get it done.
Wow, thanks for the all the resources. I will try a few out and let you know what I think.
I did a reverse phone number lookup on my U.S friend’s wireless phone, and amazingly I found her home address. Then I managed to send her a Christmas card this year -:). The website I used for the search was http://www.fonerecords.com
Check out http://www.pvteyes.com – our private investigators can ascertain prepaid phone number registrants!
This is great information. I’ve used reverse phone lookups several times and have been amazed by the level of detail I’ve been able to find. One of the better ones I’ve used is: http://www.numberinvestigator.com. I’m curious if any other readers have had experiences with other services they’d recommend.
Thank you for placing the greatest search engine sites for people needing to locate others into one. This makes life so much easier!