Have you ever wanted to put RBCP’s picture into your favorite editing program and make him look really really gay? Well here’s your chance to do it and win fabulous prizes for all your hard work! All you have to do is obtain a picture of RBCP by whatever means possible. This can include following him around town and snapping pictures of him, breaking into his grandmother’s house and stealing her pictures of him from the mantel or visiting RBCP’s homepage and downloading the pictures available throughout his page.
Next load his picture into your favorite editing program, download a few graphics from any porno site and go to work! The contest will end on May 1st, 2001 and the prizes will be:
- FIRST PRIZE: A PLA t-shirt!
- SECOND PRIZE: A PLA t-shirt!
- THIRD PRIZE: A PLA t-shirt!
There are the same tshirts that you can buy from this web site by clicking here and paying the outlandish price of $17.00 per shirt.
- Entry #1RBCP undressing by Colleen Card.
- Entry #2 RBCP trying to look sexy in his underwear shot by Colleen Card.
- Entry #3 Muscular RBCP by Colleen Card.
- Entry #4 Here’s an entry made by linear from the United Phone Losers. He claims he took this shot of RBCP during Defcon 2000. This may be grounds for disqualification since this contest is supposed to be fake pictures.
- Entry #5 RBCP Stars In “Hard Times In Tone Town!” This is some kind of gay porno promo image. It was done by weasel.
- Entry #6 This is very disturbing gay picture put together by 3rd Worm. If you go to his web site you’ll find even more doctored pictures of RBCP.
- Entry #7 Yet another entry by 3rd Worm.
- Entry #8 RBCP having fun on a surfboard by pyro sawp.
- Entry #9 RBCP having fun on a surfboard (2nd view) by pyro sawp.
- Entry #10 RBCP doing a sailor by Craig.
- Entry #11 RBCP being happy by pyro sawp.
- Entry #12 More RBCP pr0n by pyro sawp.
- Entry #13 RBCP showing off his gay kung fu powers by Son Placebo.
- Entry #14 The gayest picture of RBCP ever by lone gunman.
- Entry #15 RBCP does Cartman by -ELeKTriK-hEaD.
- Entry #16 Happy in the shower by Craig.
- Entry #17 Before RBCP lost all that weight by Craig.
- Entry #18 Another one by Craig.
- Entry #19 RBCP pulls in some prime tail by piginacage.
- Entry #20 Another one by third worm.
- Entry #21 RBCP and 2 men by Krem Brule.
- Entry #22 The Village RBCPs by The Amazing Xemo.
- Entry #23 Stick drawing of RBCP & linear by -Killa2Killa-.
- Entry #24 RBCP & the Meat Cigar by pyro sawp.
- Entry #25 Happy Valentines Day by pyro sawp.
- Entry #26 A promo by the Gay Linesman ASSociation by deadringer.
- Entry #27 Pink Fluffy Phreaking Bunnies by piginacage.
- Entry #28 RBCP Telletubbie by Xancharmos Prime.
- Entry #29 In The Military by -dj-PanZaH-ZanDaH’z-.
- Entry #30 RBCP & 2 friends by Abusive_Stepfather.
- Entry #31 RBCP & Michael Jackson by deadringer.
- Entry #32 Thinking of You… by nick.

Well the contest is over and it’s time to judge all the gay pictures of myself. I’d like to say thanks to everyone who took the time to send in a picture. I’d also like to say that I’m really glad this contest is over because while most of the pictures were very humorous, most of them really grossed us out. My original intention was to award Colleen Card with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place so I wouldn’t really have to give anything away. But after seeing all the hard work I had a change of heart. In fact I decided to also award a 4th & 5th place because we had such a hard time deciding between the pictures. The winners are announced below.
- First Place: Entry 22 by The Amazing Xemo. Not only is this one funny as hell, Xemo did an excellent job editing the picture.
- Second Place: Entry 5 by weasel. This is one of the first entries after Colleen’s original three and definitely one of the funniest.
- Third Place: Entry 20 by 3rd Worm It’s only fitting that 3rd Worm gets 3rd place for this promo shot of RBCP as the 5th Backstreet Boy. You can’t get much gayer than that.
- Forth Place: Entry 19 by piginacage. You gotta love any gay picture featuring Richard Simmons & Ronald McDonald.
- Fifth Place: Entries 8, 9, 11, 12, 24 and 25 by pyroswap. Most of pyroswap’s entries gave me nightmares, but I think all of them together have to be considered winners.