People love to complain, especially when it’s to a giant audience on Twitter. They especially love to complain at company public relations Twitter accounts in hopes of having their issues resolved. We’ve started contacting these chronic complainers before the real companies can, posing as the company. Here are a few calls.
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ThEs3 cAlLz W3rE eXh1leR8tiNg thzanxxx
you cheeky monkeys.. classic
Luving it
Wonderful Idea
Seattle public utilities calling to let you know that we will be working tomorrow in your area.
Sem, you misspelled eXh1liR8tiNg.
Sorry, I misspelled it too. The “i” is actually an “a”, though you used an “e”. I think there can’t be a “t” after the 8, because “8” already has a “t” in it. Besides, it’s not ‘exhilareighting’ anyway, so it should actually be
or something.