This is a page for listening to live PLA shows. If a live show is happening, this is probably the place you can listen to it. RBCP is bipolar and a communist, so he broadcasts randomly on different streaming services and uses different chat services, depending on where the broadcast is happening.
That player above is PLA’s Shoutcast. I try to stream on that in addition to wherever else I’m streaming. If it doesn’t automatically start playing, click on the play button and hope that I’m broadcasting there and it’s working. Chances are I’ll tell you where else the show is streaming. If not, try finding the show on Mixlr, PLA’s Youtube, Snow Plow Show’s YouTube, PLA’s Facebook, RBCP’s Facebook, or Shoutcast.
If a live show isn’t happening, you’ll hear old shows on our 24/7 Shoutcast stream. Right now the Shoutcast should be playing this: Loading …
If you’re having any troubles with the Shoutcast player above, try going to our official Shoutcast streaming host page. If you’re listening on your phone, you should install a Shoutcast player app (such as XiiaLive for Android), and then search for “Phone Losers of America” on it. If you don’t find our stream, you can probably paste the Shoutcast link directly into it. Here is the link.
Some live shows allow calling into the request line so you can troll Brad live on the air. Not all shows, though, so don’t be sad if you don’t get an answer. Usually the phone will ring for about two minutes before hanging up on you. If you don’t get an answer, wait a minute or two and try back.
If the main request line is busy, try 857-346-0007 or 845-470-0336 instead. Please remember to turn down your broadcast receiving machine when calling into the show, and don’t hold your phone upside down.
If you have an iNum, you can reach us for free by dialing (883)510009902147. One good place to get an iNum for free is through If you have an account with CallCentric, you can call into the request line for free by dialing 17778731685105. Both of these services are fairly easy to set up with any SIP client for your phone or PC, such as Blink or Zoiper.