Sign Hacker

For the past year I’ve been working on a website called McDonalds Sign, the Taco Bell sign and my own personal sign pranks, but to find new sign pranks on the net and feature them. There are a lot of awesome sign pranks out there that I want to write about on the site. Fake sign pranks are hilarious and need a good home on the web.
Recently Spessa has started writing posts on, detailing her daily adventures of screwing with public signs. And her adventures have inspired me to put a little more work into the site and I’ve started printing up my own stickers to put up in public. Such as these…

Now it’s time for me and Spessa to hopefully inspire even more people to participate in this kind of craziness. I set up a page called send them to us. This will make us giggle uncontrollably.
I’ve also set up a new board on the PLA Forums for discussing our sign hacks and planning new ones. You can find that by clicking here. Get on there and suggest some new sign ideas so we can steal your ideas and post about them. Let’s have some fun by confusing the general public with bizarre signs!

If you haven’t already seen this, check it out: