Snow Plow Show – August 6th, 2014 – Ghost Tower

Thanks for allowing PLA to be your sponsor, Joshua!

Here’s a brand new show that has everything! Blue cacti! Ghost towers! Squatters rights! Extortion of the smoothie store! All thanks to today’s sponsor – neonlikebyork. Thanks, neonlikebyork!

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)]

Here is the high quality audio feed for this episode, [s2Get constant=”S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_FIRST_NAME” /]



Brad Carter

I run this town.

7 thoughts on “Snow Plow Show – August 6th, 2014 – Ghost Tower

  • August 6, 2014 at 5:07 pm

    I lost my shit several times during the ghost tower. @crankfan

  • August 7, 2014 at 11:01 am

    I can’t believe I missed two shows. Well better late than never.

  • August 7, 2014 at 4:45 pm

    Ha ha, thanks for calling all those places! This was my favorite episode evar, and you were in fine form as always. I dunno why the place you called would have had fone numbahz for the owners of a different place on their whiteboard, but in a way that’s even funnier since they’ll compare notes about corporate trying to force a gym on them. Also, everyone seemed pretty amused about the pranks (except that dude who wouldn’t say the name of his business mebbe) which is great. I feel like the ideal is when people get riled up but then can be like “Oh, this is just a prank call? Well, at least my day is now more interesting, no need to flip out and waste police time, and perhaps I’ll rethink what businesses I share all my personal information with”. Anyway, I thought it was all funny, so well done. *grinz*

    Also I agree with George about the antennae guy’s voice; I thought he was affecting an accent at first! I liked how nonchalant he was until the abrupt shift at the end, there. Not sure how they plan on enforcing a ban on calling, lol.

    Jeez, what a long dumb comment. Thanks for all the phone phreak hilarity, RBCP!


  • August 7, 2014 at 5:16 pm

    Stop using MIRC, it’s for hobos! Those system pings are hobo pings!! Use hexchat, its 100% free and won’t make disturbing noises!

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