Are you kicking yourself for missing out on PLAcon 2015? Now you can pretend you took part in the best weekend Roy, New Mexico has ever seen, with the Phone Losers of America lanyard, the PLAcon 2015 thick plastic badge, the professionally produced PLAcon brochure, and a PLAcon 2015 button.
Click here to buy a PLAcon 2015 swag pack since you were just too cool to attend the con this year, you selfish jerk!
You’re going to make me turn to a life of crime just to get money up to get some silly PLA things! Then I’ll violate my probation and go to jail and will you write to me there? Nooooo! I’m sick of your tactics, Brad!
Where is the con? When is it? Every time I google PLAcon I don’t find crap. Bleagh!
I sneaked into PLACON 2015 using the tunnels under the convention center. My favorite part of the Con was the eulogy of Mrs Cotton delivered by Food Stamp Taco Lady.
Shut up and take my money!