Snow Plow Show – June 13th, 2014 – House of Andreas

Happy Friday The 13th! A listener named Andreas sent me a giant list of names, phone numbers, pictures of houses and ideas for most of them. So I turned his entire list into a show. This is the show. Thanks, Andreas!
- Jiad did 3 hours of hilarity right before my show. Click here to listen to it.
- Are you tired of lazy-ass show hosts only doing their shows on Mixlr so you can’t easily listen to them later? Enigma420 has given all the shows RSS feeds, whether they want them or not, so you can listen to them with your podcast apps. Go to to get the feed URLs.
- There are a LOT of overprotective husbands and wives answering phones in this show. No trust!
- When I said we’re an hour into the show, I forgot to account for the 12 minutes I spent playing crap before the show actually started, so it was more like 48 minutes into the show. I still edited a ton of stuff out, though! The show was around 2 hours and 25 minutes long originally.
- Sweetpea by Bonecage. Click here to watch the video for this song.
- I can do whatever I want, I’m white by Rucka Rucka Ali – Requested by Liz.
- Antix – Hands Up
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Ruckas Nuckas 4 life, it’s why I run red lights!
Brad, you have stated on the last two shows you have received zero voice mails. Is there a tech issue with the PLA voice mail? I have left two messages in the last two weeks, and I assumed you had gotten them. Still waiting to hear from you concerning the NY # I have talked about. This old racist needs a PLA approved outgoing message for his callers.
Daryl in Maryland
Yeah, Daryl, I figured out the voicemail things. They were being routed somewhere else. I have over 100 messages waiting for me. Gotta start playing them on shows. I will explain that on a show too.
Hi Roy, Brad, Arbie
Seems like the past 2 shows no longer being announced in PCN twitter/facebook. Any other way to get notifications? Thanks.
Haiwan – sorry about that. I forgot to announce the Friday night show. And I figured Saturday night would be a pointless drunken mess so I didn’t bother. Also, everyone should have been listening Saturday anyway, because Jiad had just ended. I’ll try not to forget announcements.
How dare you, Arbie?!
I requested no such song.. sheesh. How many Liz’s are there anyways? I’m not even white! Well, maybe a little.
Liz, your comment just reminded me of a song I have been meaning to ask Brad and/or any of the other regulars to help me locate. The title is “Your Planet Or Mine” and is by Walter Murphy. If ANYONE can find me an mp3 or some digital version of this song from 1982, I will GLADLY reward you. This is an instrumental that was a B-side (those of who are old enough remember 45 rpm) from the single Theme from E.T Apparently there was never a CD release and the only other place that this song appeared on was a cassette only release titled “Best Of The Movies”. This would also be a nice transition song on a future podcast. Would mean allot to me personally, as this song has a lot of sentimental value, and I have exhausted all my resources searching the web for an mp3.
My apologies for the long comment; however I have been meaning to ask Brad if he could help out with this request for some time now.
Daryl in Maryland
Liz – sorry for leading people to believe that you would request such low-brow humor. I thought it was a little odd myself. This Liz requested several other songs too. I can’t remember if she used a last name.
Daryl – I doubt I can be much help. I actually searched for a song like that myself from an 80’s movie, which was also on the B side of a 45. I finally found it on some used record website. Only one person had it and I think I ended up paying over $30 for the 45. Then I had to borrow a friend’s record player to transfer it to mp3. THEN I couldn’t sell the record back to anyone, so I just gave it to Goodwill.
Anyway, that was back in 2004 and I don’t remember which website it was, but there were a lot of record websites that I found at the time, all claiming to have a lot of hard-to-find records. It has to be out there somewhere. I would suggest going to the E.T. page on and reading every post in the discussion board and try to find someone else who’s looking for the same thing. Maybe there will be a reply that will help you. And if you don’t find a post, definitely make your own on imdb saying the same stuff you said above.
Also, I’m assuming some of these record websites have forums. Create some forum accounts and start asking on those. Maybe you’ll get lucky. And if you have your own website or blog, make a post on it about what you’re looking for. Post it on something that will get put into Google. Maybe someone else searching for the same thing will find it and have a suggestion and that will lead you to it. When I was searching for my song, I found someone on the imdb message boards looking for it too. They didn’t help me, but as soon as I found it I emailed them and sent them the mp3, just because I’m a super nice guy.
Brad, thanks for the help. I can identify with you as there are a few websiites that sell the 45, and will convert the song to mp3 for an absurd amount of money. Walter Murphy a 70’s disco musician and more recently scored the film TED. I will keep searching and in the meantime I have some great ideas for my NY wrestling hotline prank.
Love all the old people songs you play, makes me feel like i’m in an old people’s home
If anyone can contact Daryl L., the song “Your Planet or Mine ?” by Walter Murphy is available now on: