Buy our shirts!
For more than 10 years now, the PLA has exsisted for soley one reason. And that reason is to sell enough t-shirts to make world-famous hacker t-shirt salesman Erik Bloodaxe jealous. Years ago, I printed up billions of “Mom & Dad” t-shirts. A few years later when I printed up a few billion more, I decided to mix things up a little and offer bright rainbowy colors, not realizing that hackers are terrified of anything that isn’t black. For this reason, once the black t-shirts were gone, I was sadly stuck with all the pretty rainbowy ones.

I’m moving across the country soon and I really don’t want to take all these t-shirts with me. So here’s the deal. PLEASE BUY THEM! For just $5.00 you can have one of these shirts. You don’t have to pay shipping or anything. $5.00 even gets you a shirt. That’s it. No wait, make that $4.00! Yeah, just $4.00 and you can have a Mom & Dad t-shirt all to yourself. Have I gone insane to offer prices like this??
All of the shirts are in XL since I also didn’t have the foresight to realize that a large portion of the hacker community are fat bastards. Nor did I have the foresight to realize that hackers don’t like buying sucky t-shirts from me with silly 90’s anti-drug spoofs on them. The shirts are only available in 1 color now (orange) since all the manly colors, such as black, have disappeared. If you act now I’ll even throw in a PLA button absolutely free! Don’t delay, operators are standing by.